This project is based on fpga-examples (FPGA examples for GitHub link :
For working with examples edit in verilog board file (board/[board name]) value of constant in string:
`define FPGA_EXAMPLE wrapper_racing_game
choosing one of the following:
- wrapper_racing_game
- wrapper_racing_game_v2
- wrapper_racing_game_v3
- wrapper_spritetest
- wrapper_sprite_rotation
- wrapper_test_hvsync
- wrapper_crttest
- wrapper_racing_game_cpu
- wrapper_digit10
- wrapper_ball_paddle
- wrapper_sprite_scanline_renderer
- wrapper_starfield
- wrapper_tiletest
- make sim_dir is used for creating simulation folder;
- make sim_clean is used for cleaning simulation results folder;
- make sim_cmd is used for starting simulation in command line (CMD) mode;
- make sim_gui is used for starting simulation in graphical user interface (GUI) mode.
If log_en set as '1 (tb/"testbench name") then you can see simulation results (VGA screen in text mode) in .log file.
- make synth_create is used for creating synthesis folder for default board;
- make synth_clean is used for cleaning synthesis folder;
- make synth_build_q is used for building project;
- make synth_gui_q is used for open project in Quartus;
- make synth_load_q is used for loading bitstream in CPLD/FPGA.
This project currently works on these FPGA boards:
- rz_easyFPGA_A2_1 ( Altera Cyclone IV FPGA )
- Storm_IV_E6_V2 ( Altera Cyclone IV FPGA )
- Terasic DE10-Lite ( Altera MAX10 FPGA )