Various Mixins and mod-tweaks for the purpose of supporting the Divine Journey 2 modpack. All CraftTweaker functions are documented in the docs/zs
- Custom
- Added "Saturegen" status effect: an effect similar to Regeneration but it affects Hunger instead of Health.
- Blood Magic
- Hellfire Forge
- Items can no longer be input into the output slot of the forge.
- Added CraftTweaker methods for crafting time, will transfer rate, and crafting with all will types.
- Hellfire Forge
- Bewitchment
- Added CraftTweaker hook to remove Rituals by name.
- Added CraftTweaker hook for adding Altar upgrades.
- Industrial Foregoing
- Made the Plant Interactor take drops directly from AgriCraft crops instead of dropping the items on the ground.
- MoreTweaker
- Changed MT's internal methods to use CraftTweaker's API instead, allowing recipes to respect NBT data.
- Roots
- Unending Bowl now checks if the requested liquid type is valid before giving the requester infinite of it. (Automatically disabled in Roots 3.1.5+)
- Botania
- Added CraftTweaker Brew creation API that allows incense sticks and blood pendants.
- Aether
- Fixed crashes when automating turning lava into Aerogel (hopefully).
- Totemic
- Added CraftTweaker hook to change the default Instrument music values.