(Only 64-bit Windows will work with the program provided in the releases tab. Other OS's will need to download this program and its dependencies )
- All sounds need to be in some group, even if by themselves. Create a new group by entering a name for your new group in the Group Chooser and press enter (or click the + button).
- Existing groups can be edited by typing its name in the group chooser or selecting its name from the dropdown box and pressing enter.
- Multiple groups can be in the editor at the same time
- The group's name can be changed simply by typing a new name in its nametag.
- Be careful not to have groups with duplicate names! You may lose a group after a program restart.
- A group can be returned to the group chooser via its back arrow or deleted by double-clicking its trash button
- The group's sounds live in the bottom left box of the group.
- New .wav files or directories1 with .wav files can be dragged and dropped from the file explorer to the box.2
- The path of the file/directory and number of files in the directory can be seen by hovering over its name with the cursor
- Sound files/directories can be moved by clicking on their name and pressing up or down on the keyboard.
- If the group does not play randomly, the soundboard will play the files/directories in the order shown in the soundboard
- Each sound file/directory has a weight
- If the group does play randomly, the soundboard will play the files/directories at random, with heavier sounds having a higher chance at being played
- New .wav files or directories1 with .wav files can be dragged and dropped from the file explorer to the box.2
- The group's hotkeys live in the bottom-right box of the group.
- Hotkeys can be added by pressing the plus button at the bottom of the hotkey list.
Each option gives context when hovering over the option name with the cursor
You can have this program start when you log in to Windows via one of these methods:
- Creating a shortcut from Window's startup folder to "Start soundboard.bat"
- Using the Task Scheduler program to start "Start soundboard.bat" on boot