helps you quickly have the user take or choose an existing photo or video.
To use it, add an FDTake
to your view and call
- (void)takePhotoOrChooseFromLibrary
then implement FDTakeDelegate
to receive the photo with
- (void)takeController:(FDTakeController *)controller
gotPhoto:(UIImage *)photo
withInfo:(NSDictionary *)info`
Other available options are documented at CocoaDocs for FDTake.
- See if device has camera
- Create action sheet with appropriate options ("Take Photo" or "Choose from Library"), as available
- Localize "Take Photo" and "Choose from Library" into user's language
- Wait for response
- Bring up image picker with selected image picking method
- Default to selfie mode if so configured
- Get response, extract image from a dictionary
- Dismiss picker, send image to delegate
- Supports iPhones, iPods and iPads
- Supported languages:
- English
- Chinese Simplified
- Turkish (thanks Suleyman Melikoglu)
- French (thanks Guillaume Algis)
- Dutch (thanks Mathijs Kadijk)
- Chinese Traditional (thanks Qing Ao)
- German (thanks Lars Häuser)
- Russian (thanks Alexander Zubkov)
- Norwegian (thanks Sindre Sorhus)
- Arabic (thanks HadiIOS)
- Polish (thanks Jacek Kwiecień)
- Spanish (thanks David Jorge)
- Hebrew (thanks Asaf Siman-Tov)
- Danish (thanks kaspernissen)
- Sweedish (thanks Paul Peelen)
- Portugese (thanks Natan Rolnik)
- Greek (thanks Konstantinos)
- Italian (thanks Giuseppe Filograno)
- Please help translate
to more languages
- Supports ARC and iOS 5+
- Includes unit tests which run successfully using Travis CI.
- Add
pod 'FDTake'
to your Podfile - The the API documentation under "Class Reference" at http://cocoadocs.org/docsets/FDTake/
- Please add your project to "I USE THIS" at https://www.cocoacontrols.com/controls/fdtake if you support this project