CommandManager commandManager = new CommandManager(discordClient, "my.toplevel.package");
Methods annotated with @BotCommand
are automatically registered.
Commands created via extending CustomCommand
must be registered by hand.
commandManager.registerCommand(new HelpCommand());
Commands by default are prefixed by !
but can be cutomized per guild.
Prefixes are not persistent and must be set on restart.
commandManager.setCommandPrefix(guildID, "$");
These methods must be public
and static
in order to be registered.
They will be found automatically and regestered when you create CommandManager
@BotCommand(command = "ping", description = "ping", usage = "ping", module = "misc")
public static void ping(CommandContext context) {
public class HelpCommand extends CustomCommand {
private static String[] command = {"help"};
private static String description = "View all commands";
private static String usage = "help";
private static String module = "Command API";
public HelpCommand() {
super(command, description, usage, module);
public void execute(CommandContext cc) {
cc.replyWith("Command List:").subscribe();
Or with no details for the !Help command:
public class HelpCommand extends CustomCommand {
private static String[] command = {"help"};
public HelpCommand() {
public void execute(CommandContext cc) {
cc.replyWith("Command List:").subscribe();