A simple testng automation project to write tests with only TestNG features - (No Selenium/RestAssured/Apache HTTP Client support for initial version)
- TestNG based framework
- Integrated with Allure Report
- JDK 11+ (Optional - SDKMAN - to manage multiple versions of Java) SDKMAN
- Maven > 3.x.x onwards
- Any IDE for development (IntelliJ/Eclipse,..)
- Node Js (> 16.x onwards) (Optional - NVM - to manage multiple versions of NodeJs) nvm
- Allure CommandLine
Build from the Command Line To compile, test, and build
- Clone the repository from GitHub:
$ git clone git@github.com:DineshKuppan/test-automation-project.git
$ cd test-automation-project
- The project uses Maven to build:
$ mvn clean package -DskipTests
Install the test-automation-project
in you local Maven repository ($HOME/.m2
) directory.
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests
mvn clean test -Dtest=com.bytes2gram.framework.test.CalculatorTest
Note: Install the allure commandline to generate and view the report in browser
allure serve target/allure-results