##Selenium Grid Hub/Node Windows Setup
This project will help to minimize the Selenium Grid Hub & Node setup in windows machines (atleast for the Hub/Node configuration part)
Note: Keep all the downloaded files in the same location to avoid any issues & also check the downloaded driver(s) supports for the browser available in your machine.
####Required Files
- Download the Selenium Standalone Server - Link & move the jar file to common location.
- Now, download the browser supported drivers & keep it in the same location - chrome, firefox, iexplore & safari drivers, otherwise you have provide the absolute path of the driver(s) in configuration files.
- Please make sure that the location of driver(s) files in Environment Variables - $PATH (or %PATH% on Windows) in order for the driver(s) to work as expected in either System Variables or User Variables section.
Please check the browser version before downloading the drivers
a. ChromeDriver Download - Link.
b. Mozilla/Firefox Gecko Driver Download - Link.
c. Internet Explorer Driver Download - 32-bit or 64-bit under The Internet Explorer Driver Server - Link.
d. Safari Driver - Please read the instructions - Link.