An event tracking tool for mobile apps.
Currently in early development.
- Remote logging in realtime.
- Events serialization on
. - Custom events and types.
- Event templates with types.
- Automatic screenshot detection and upload.
- App icon upload.
- Customizable payload can be set on each event.
- Event attachments as
. - On device events list interface.
- Optional convenience features at your own risk (swizzling).
- Curated images associated to events.
replacement. - Opportunistic events upload.
- Authentication.
- Well documented.
- Tested.
- User activated remote logging visiting a web page.
- SSL encryption.
- Crash log detection and upload.
- Event filter and search.
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 7.0+
Desman is extremely lightweight. Even including the resource files and interface, your app will increase of just 1.4 MB or only 1.2 MB if you also enable bitcode.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
CocoaPods 0.39.0+ is required to build Desman.
To integrate Desman into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'Desman'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
Desman is packaged with many subspecs to limit the number of classes and assets that needs to be included in your shipping app.
The Core default subspec is included by default and contains only the basic classes (and no assets) to log, serialize and upload events. It lets you present to the user a list of Event
s logged on the current device.
The Debatable subspec includes classes that can change the behavior of your application like method swizzling. Please take a look at the source code and decide if it fits your needs or not.
The Remote subspec includes the ability to select another application or another user and receive the previously logged Event
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.
You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:
$ brew update
$ brew install carthage
To integrate Desman into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
github "DimensionSrl/Desman"
Run carthage update --platform iOS
to build the framework and drag the built Desman.framework
into your Xcode project to include only the Core features.
If you choose this method you won't have the flexibility offered by CocoaPods to integrate only the part of code of your interest: the debatable features will be included too.
To include also the Remote features, add also the DesmanRemote.framework
to your project. You also need to add the SwiftWebSocket.framework
as it's a required dependency.
Add the Desman Xcode project to your own. Then add the Desman Core iOS
and Desman Remote iOS
frameworks as desired to the embedded binaries of your app's target.
In this repository you can find a sample code project with few lines of code in the AppDelegate
's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
to setup EventManager
You can choose to send the events to an endpoint, serialize them into NSUserDefaults
or just keep them in memory.
Sample code is written in Swift but Objective-C should be supported too, if you find an incompatibility please open an issue.
Import Desman and optionally DesmanRemote modules into your Swift classes
import Desman
or if you are writing in Objective-C
#import <Desman/Desman-Swift.h>
If you integrate Desman with CocoaPods, you don't have to include DesmanRemote (only Desman is enough) as a single module will be produced, with everything included.
Keep in mind the you have to let the project generate the Bridging Header otherwise the integration may fail.
Initialize the EventManager
using the takeOff:
The serialization
parameter is useful to specify a method to locally serialize events and preserve them between application launches. Options at the moment are None
and UserDefaults
If you have a remote web service instance you can provide the url, otherwise you can simply log events locally.
EventManager.sharedInstance.takeOff(NSURL(string: "")!, appKey: "1234567890abcdef", serialization: .UserDefaults)
In order to collect events you also need to call the startLogging:
To stop the collection use stopLogging:
To delete every previously serialized Event
you can use the EventManager
's purgeLogs:
Create an Event
let event = Event(Application.DidFinishLaunching)
Log the Event
with the EventManager
or using the EventManager.sharedInstance
shorter Des
There is also a convenience method to speed up event logging without the need to create an Event
For each Event
you can also specify a payload as dictionary [String : AnyObject]
. Keep in mind that this payload must be serialized, so you can only provide objects conforming to the NSCoding
protocol. This payload will be also sent to the server.
let event = Event(type: Application.DidFinishLaunching, payload: ["url": ""])
In order to send custom types for your events, you can create a Type
subclass. Below a snippet to have convenience initializers.
class Rate : Type {
static let Great = Rate(subtype: "Great")
static let Average = Rate(subtype: "Average")
static let Bad = Rate(subtype: "Bad")
and a new Event
can be created providing its Type
let event = Event(Rate.Great)
You can also specify a custom image with the Type
overriding the image
getter method
override var image : UIImage? {
return UIImage(named: "Unknown")
There's also some classes to represent the events logged on the local device, mostly useful during development, that can be summoned and presented modally from your application to identify and inspect the Event
let desmanStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Desman", bundle: NSBundle(forClass: EventsController.self))
let desmanController = desmanStoryboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("eventsController")
self.presentViewController(desmanController, animated: true, completion: nil)
Desman includes the ability to observe the events occurring in realtime on a remote device. To summon the remote logging interface to be integrated in your application, you need to include the Remote
CocoaPods subspecs, use Carthage, or use the manual process and:
let desmanBundle = NSBundle(forClass: RemoteController.self)
let desmanStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Remote", bundle: desmanBundle)
let desmanController = desmanStoryboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("remoteController")
self.presentViewController(desmanController, animated: true, completion: nil)
Desman has no dependancies at the moment, except if you choose the Remote
CocoaPods subspec (or the Carthage integration), that requires the SwiftWebSocket to open a websocket channel to receive events from the server.
We've also included directly as class a modified copy of SimpleImageCache originally written by m2d2 and released under the MIT License.
The CoreDataSerializerManager.swift
class is heavily inspired by this sample code written by Manuel de la Mata. Unfortunately no license is specified.
In order to build the Desman Remote iOS framework with Xcode, you have to install Carthage as it depends on it.
carthage build --no-skip-current --platform iOS
To test the Desman.podspec correctness use
pod spec lint Desman.podspec
You should also include checked out versions of the dependancies for the sample project, so always perform a
cd Sample
pod update
and check if it builds.
Matteo Gavagnin @macteo – DIMENSION – Design, implementation and documentation. Daniele Dalledonne @ddalledo – DIMENSION – Initial idea. Matteo Vidotto – DIMENSION – First integrations and manual testing.
Desman is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.