NOTE: This project is deprecated. Dual Universe has removed support for lua logfile interaction, and added their own sound engine instead. This will no longer work in modern version of Dual Universe
A copy of ZarTaen's logfile based audio framework, but in C# - easier setup and finer control, in theory. Though I think at this point they are functionally identical, so use whichever one you want
ZarTaen's framework found here:
Autobuilds from source in the releases tab.
Should be working at this time - please report any issues or inconsistencies between this and ZarTaen's Framework - they should both support all the same functionality. This project is mostly for simpler installs, no config files and only a single executable.
Once available, download and run the .exe in the Releases tab (or compile it yourself from the source).
The audiopacks folder is generated when the application first runs, or you can create it yourself. This folder is not enforced, so some lua scripts may not use it, but it is recommended for scripters to put their audiopacks in this folder
It is advised to rename your audiopacks to something unique, and input that name into your scripts (if available), so that the birds at the market can't spam you with noises from the filepaths that they think you have. Hopefully, the lua scripts will have an export variable where you can enter the filepath to the soundpack you want to use with that script. ArchHUD is a good example - it will not play sound unless the parameter for the name of the audiopack has been changed from default.
This works much like ZarTaen's framework, using our new standardized format. In lua, for example, system.logInfo("sound_play|some_thing.mp3|uniqueID|50")
per the parameters and commands below
The path can be an absolute or relative path (to the executable) - usage of Windows sounds is encouraged
The ID is used so that a. New sounds played with the same ID will stop previous sounds with that ID, and b. Sounds may be paused/stopped/resumed via ID
sound_loop is new, I also want to explain what that's for. With every other command, sending a sound with the same ID will stop the previous sound with that ID. This is good in many cases, but imagine a stall warning. The lua coder doesn't know the duration of that sound, they just know they want it to keep looping until they stop stalling. Without sound_loop, they often have to pick a very short sound because it stops it each time it plays
With sound_loop, they can send the command every tick, and the framework ignores it if the sound is already playing. If the sound finishes playing, and we see the command the next tick, it starts again, enabling looping behavior
sound_play|path_to/the.mp3(string)|ID(string)|Optional Volume(int 0-100)
-- Plays a concurrent sound
sound_loop|path_to/the.mp3(string)|ID(string)|Optional Volume(int 0-100)
-- Plays a concurrent sound, but can be spammed to 'loop' a sound for its duration
sound_notification|path_to/the.mp3(string)|ID(string)|Optional Volume(int 0-100)
-- Lowers volume on all other sounds for its duration, and plays overtop
sound_q|path_to/the.mp3(string)|ID(string)|Optional Volume(int 0-100)
-- Plays a sound after all other queued sounds finish
-- The following use the IDs that were specified in the previous three
sound_volume|ID(string)|Volume(int 0-100)
sound_pause|Optional ID(string)
-- If no ID is specified, pauses all sounds
sound_stop|Optional ID(string)
-- If no ID is specified, stops all sounds
sound_resume|Optional ID(string)
-- If no ID is specified, resumes all paused sounds
All ID's are strings, and may be omitted if you don't care to manipulate them afterwards, and don't care about the same audio file being played overtop itself
Sound randomization is now supported via folders. So for example, if you wanted to replace BrakeLanding.mp3 with randomized sounds, create a folder in the audiopack named BrakeLanding.mp3, and fill that folder with all the sounds you'd like to randomly play for that event.
Lua scripters do not need to make any changes to scripts for this