This is a prototype from Innovation center at Arbetsförmedlingen. The purpuse of the prototype is to demonstrate and test new ways of access and navigate data assets in VR (in this case data from the API:s about the Swedish labour market).
- Download and install Unity3D ( version 2020.1.6f1 or later
- Clone repository to your local machine
- Open the Unity project (Yes, there will be several errors!)
- Add SteamVR from Package manager (free)
- Add DOTween (HOTween v2) from Package manager (free)
- Upgrade materials to URP (Edit - Render Pipeline - Universal Render Pipeline - Upgrader Project Materials to UniversalRP Materials)
- Add Sci-Fi Buttons and Panels Pack from Package manager (cost - optional but needed for visuals)
- Add Office Interior Archviz from Package manager (cost - optional but needed for room environment)
- Upgrade materials to URP (Edit - Render Pipeline - Universal Render Pipeline - Upgrader Project Materials to UniversalRP Materials)
- Bake the scene VirtualOffice1 (Lighting - Generate Lighting)
- Add your Jobtechdev API-key to ApplicationManager JobTechAPIKey
To use the API:s you need your own API-key. The API-key can be requested here: (