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  1. Canny-edge-detection-algorithm Canny-edge-detection-algorithm Public

    Matlab implementation of Canny edge detection algorithm from scratch.

    MATLAB 16 5

  2. Extract-dice-score-from-image Extract-dice-score-from-image Public

    Extraction of a score of red and blue dices from a given image.

    MATLAB 4

  3. Mapping-Stars Mapping-Stars Public

    Restoring distorted images (distortions can be translation, rotation and scaling) and non-ML recognition of 8 different shapes.

    Python 4

  4. Extract-time-from-image-of-a-clock Extract-time-from-image-of-a-clock Public

    Extraction of time from a given image of a clock using Canny edge detection algorithm and Hough transformation

    MATLAB 3 1

  5. Filtering-and-Repairing-Quailty-of-images Filtering-and-Repairing-Quailty-of-images Public

    Here you can find different ways of filtering and repairing quaility of images: sharpening, contrast repairing, noise removal, selective filtering, median filtering, Wiener's filtering...

    MATLAB 3


Showing 5 of 5 repositories
  • Mapping-Stars Public

    Restoring distorted images (distortions can be translation, rotation and scaling) and non-ML recognition of 8 different shapes.

    Digital-Image-Processing-kosta/Mapping-Stars’s past year of commit activity
    Python 4 0 0 0 Updated Oct 7, 2020
  • Extract-time-from-image-of-a-clock Public

    Extraction of time from a given image of a clock using Canny edge detection algorithm and Hough transformation

    Digital-Image-Processing-kosta/Extract-time-from-image-of-a-clock’s past year of commit activity
    MATLAB 3 1 0 0 Updated Oct 7, 2020
  • Canny-edge-detection-algorithm Public

    Matlab implementation of Canny edge detection algorithm from scratch.

    Digital-Image-Processing-kosta/Canny-edge-detection-algorithm’s past year of commit activity
    MATLAB 16 5 0 0 Updated Oct 7, 2020
  • Extract-dice-score-from-image Public

    Extraction of a score of red and blue dices from a given image.

    Digital-Image-Processing-kosta/Extract-dice-score-from-image’s past year of commit activity
    MATLAB 4 0 0 0 Updated Oct 7, 2020
  • Filtering-and-Repairing-Quailty-of-images Public

    Here you can find different ways of filtering and repairing quaility of images: sharpening, contrast repairing, noise removal, selective filtering, median filtering, Wiener's filtering...

    Digital-Image-Processing-kosta/Filtering-and-Repairing-Quailty-of-images’s past year of commit activity
    MATLAB 3 0 0 0 Updated May 1, 2020

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