Simulator engine for reproducing LCD games made by McDonald's in the 2000's.
Mostly focused on simulating the McDonald's Sonic LCD games.
You can read more details about the technical stack here.
Feel free to look at the issues if you want to help on a game!
- SVG-based rendering for LCD elements
- Uses the well-known MAMELayout format for screen positioning
- AvaloniaUI-based frontend, runs on Windows/Mac/Linux -- Backend is pure .NET and can run on (mostly)anything!
All scanned/photographied materials in this repository are ©️SEGA, 2004/2005/2006.
This uses the DSEG 7-segment font.
# Windows
cd LCDonald.Desktop && dotnet restore && dotnet publish .\LCDonald.Desktop.csproj -c release -r win-x64
# Linux
cd LCDonald.Desktop && dotnet restore && dotnet publish .\LCDonald.Desktop.csproj -c release -r linux-x64
# macOS
cd LCDonald.Desktop && dotnet restore && dotnet msbuild -t:BundleApp -p:RuntimeIdentifier=osx-x64 -property:Configuration=Release
# Android
cd LCDonald.Android && dotnet build .\LCDonald.Android.csproj -c release