Admin can enter details related to a books/members. He can provide membership to members. Can read and write information about any member. He can update, create, delete the record of membership as per requirement.
This application maintains the record of books in the library, issue and return process of the books in the library. Here we are primarily concerned with management of books of library.
We need to install the MySQL server before we install our application
,I am using XAMPP , You can download any other Db server who provide MySQL server , You can download XAMPP and The installation guide will guide you through the entire installation process. If you run into any problems, join our Discord server for help and support!:wink:
You need to start
the MySQl server for connectivity with the DataBase
Do before You Application start
You can download our application & install it
-- go to wiki
Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
Note right of Bob: Bob thinks
Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks!
Project name: Library Management System
Main language(s): Java
Any additional libraries or overhead: Nope, just pure Java libraries currently
Single line description of project: GUI software for Storing data related to Book and member of library
Progress to completion: The project is complete
Detailed description: This GUI Software handle data of Book , Member of library and issue/return details of book , and Searching /update/deletion of book/member its need XAMPP to connect with DB, It will not delete the member and book if book is Issue to someone.
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