A react-based full-stack party management app where a user can take different services on party . User can have service on customized design and also can give review.there is also an admin panel.where admin can see the all order list and updated user order by status.Admin can add a service and remove any service.
✅ Firebase authentication is used for login purpose.
✅ User can Order any service.
✅ User also can give review.
✅ Service lists and current status of service is showed in dashboard of user.
✅ Admin can see all service and user list in admin dashboard.
✅ Admin can add new service and add new admin
✅ React.js .
✅ React Router
✅ Javascript.
✅ ES6.
✅ Bootstrap.
✅ Css.
✅ Html.
✅ Node.js.
✅ Express.js.
✅ MongoDB
✅ GitHub.
✅ Firebase
✅ Css.
✅ Heroku.