This product uses the TMDB API for listing content but is not endorsed or certified by TMDB.
If app doesn't load it means your ISP has banned the requests from TMDB Api services. Please use VPN and try again.
- Explore popular movies and TV series
- Search for specific movies and TV series
- View details of movies and TV series, including ratings, overview, cast, and crew
- Watch trailers of movies and TV series
- Enjoy streaming movies and TV series directly within the app
- React Native
- Expo
- Third party video streaming services
cd Streamify
npm install
npm start
If you encounter a bug, or have a request for a new feature, please open a New Issue.
This app was created for learning and project purposes with no intent to commercialize. Streamify is only an interface that provides links to third-party websites hosting movies and TV shows. This app does not host, store, or distribute any content. All media is provided by publicly available third-party services. We do not claim ownership, affiliation, or endorsement of the content available through these external links. All trademarks, copyrights, and media belong to their respective owners. If you are a content owner and believe your copyrighted material is linked improperly, please contact the respective third-party provider to request content removal. We do not have control over external content. All code and design are open-source and available on GitHub.
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