This is the API for ordering food from various restaurants. This API mainly concentrates on listing all the restaurants with their menus and their menu items.
There are three objects/entities in this API: Restaurant, Menu, Menu Items
Thus, a person can basically lookup for mainly three things in this API- List of all the restaurants List of all the menus of a particular restaurant List of all the menu items in menu of the restaurant.
All the four APIs namely Get,Post,Put and Delete are implemented.
Tools and Technologies Used:
The technologies used for developing this API are: Spring Boot Framework, Maven, Apache Tomcat, MySQL, Redis
For creating test cases : JUnit, Mockito
The whole application is dockerized using three dockers: Spring Boot Docker, MySQL Docker, Redis Docker
pom.xml contains all the dependancies for maven, redis and the docker.
Dockerfile is used for dockerizing the spring boot application while the redis and mysql dockers are directly downloaded from docker hub.
docker-compose" is used for running the whole application.
src/main/resources/ define parameters for runnning the application in localhost as well as in the docker .
I have used Ubuntu 14.04 for running the application on localhost as well as for the docker.
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants
[ { "restaurantId": "<restaurant_id>", "restaurantName": "<restaurant_name>", menus:[] }, ....... ]
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants/{restaurantid}
{ "restaurantId": "<restaurant_id>", "restaurantName": "<restaurant_name>", menus:[] }
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants/{restaurantid}/menus
[ { "menuName": "<menu_name">", "menuId": <menu_id>", "items": [ { "itemId": <item_id>, "itemName": "<item_name>", "itemPrice": <item_price> }, ....... ] } ]
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants/{restaurantid}/menus/{menuid}
[ { "itemId": <item_id>, "itemName": "<item_name>", "itemPrice": <item_price> }, ....... ]
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants
Request Body { "restaurantName": <restaurant_name> }
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants/{restaurantid}/menus
Request Body { "menuName": <menu_name> }
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants/{restaurantid}/menus/{menuid}/items
Request Body { “itemName": <item_name>, “itemPrice”: <item_Price> }
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants
Return HttpStatus.OK
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants/{restaurantid}
Return HttpStatus.OK
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants/{restaurantid}/menus
Return HttpStatus.OK
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants/{restaurantid}/menus/{menuid}
Return HttpStatus.OK
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants/{restaurantid}/menus/{menuid}/items/{itemid}
Return HttpStatus.OK
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants/{restaurantid}
Request Body { "restaurantName": <restaurant_name> } Return HttpStatus.Ok
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants/{restaurantid}/menus/{menuid}
Request Body { "menuName": <menu_name> } Return HttpStatus.Ok
API: http://localhost:8080/restaurants/{restaurantid}/menus/{menuid}/items/{itemid}
Request Body { "itemName": <item_name>, “itemPrice”: <item_price> }
Return HttpStatus.Ok
git clone
Import it as an "Existing Maven Project" in Eclipse or any other IDE.
From the terminal, enter into the repository and enter the command ## "mvn clean install -DskipTests" (for skipping the JUnit Test cases right now)"
Create the database in localhost (on mysql workbench) as suggested in the documentation.
Run the Application by running the "Application class" in (src/main/java/com/system/ as it contains the main method.
REST APIs can be tested on Postman and Unit test cases can be runned by running the file which is located in src/test/java/com/system/
git clone
Import it as an "Existing Maven Project" in Eclipse or any other IDE.
Install docker and docker-compose.
Install the MySQL docker container docker run -d -p 3307:3306 --name zappos -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -e MYSQL_DATABASE=Zappos -e MYSQL_USER=root -MYSQL_PASSWORD=root mysql:5.6
Install the redis container docker run --name redis -d redis redis-server --appendonly yes
Create docker network by this command "docker network create my-net"
Go to src/main/resources/ Comment the sql server url for localhost and uncomment the one for the docker. Similarly, comment the and spring.redis.port for the localhost and uncomment the same for the docker container.
Run the command from the terminal after entering in the root directory of the project ## "mvn clean install -DskipTests"
docker-compose build and then docker-compose up
The app will run on http://localhost:8087 instead of http://localhost:8080
These steps are performed in Ubuntu 14.04 in which my docker had a static IP of "".