There are two assignments completed at this point.
|- filters |- date-filter.js
| |- date-filter.test.js
| - js-includes |- third-party-js.js
|- third-party-test-js.js
|- sign-in-response.json
|- sign-up-app.js
|- sign-up-controller.js
|- sign-up-controller.test.js
|- sign-up-factory-service.js
|- sign-up-new.css
|- sign-up-value.js
|- sign-up.css
|- sign-up.html
|- test-date-filter.html
|- test-sign-up-controller.html
|- buddies.json
|- buddy-list-app.js
|- buddy-list-controller.js
|- buddy-list.css
|- buddy-list.html
|- directive-| modal-dialog.js
| | toggle-class.js
| | warning.js
|- fragments - ontroller.test.js
|- sign-up-factory-service.js
|- sign-up-new.css
|- sign-up-value.js
|- sign-up.css
|- sign-up.html
|- test-date-filter.html
|- test-sign-up-controller.html
Some of the file specified in above modularization structure can be refined for better usage. UI layout screenshot are updated in screen-shots.docx
- Bootrap styles are used for decorating the layout
- Challenge 1 and challenge 2 assignments are considered seperate projects. It can be combined to use common directives / functions. Currently they are maintained as separate projects.
- Server is required to test
- War can be generated using maven and deployed in web/application server
- first name and last name - only alphabets are allowed eg. spaces are not allowed.
- while entering data in text fields, validation is done immediately and warning messages are displayed in grey
- only if the basic form validations (required, max length etc) are through, the submit button is enabled
- look and feel can be enhanced when UI mock is available
- As UI will always subject to change, the importance is given much to functionality.
- Extra validation are not implemented as challenge does not specify those. eg. email field validation for valid email.
- Bootrap styles are used for decorating the layout
- Search functionality works after the user clicks the search icon or enters
- The list item replacing the deleted list item is in expanding mode
- unit test cases can be refined in both of the assignments for better TDD practise