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Electron-React-TypeScript-Webpack (ERTW) Boilerplate

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A boilerplate that let you instantly start working on your next Electron app project in TypeScript with no time wasted messing with the config files.

  • Ready to use Electron project template with React, Webpack and TypeScript seamlessly integrated.
  • ESLint set up with TypeScript, Airbnb's rules, and Jest support.
  • Jest integrated and configured.
  • electron-builder for app packaging, with basic build config for Windows macOS included.
  • Clean, easy to read and alter config files. No config file is hidden behind yet another script!
  • Monthly maintenance to keep things up to date!

This boilerplate is tested on the latest macOS and Windows. If anything doesn't work, please file an issue.

Maintenance schedule

Starting from v4.0.0, this project is set to receive regular maintenances. New releases will be published on monthly basis to keep the package dependencies, package configurations and APIs / syntax up to date.

Maintenance work will begin on 1st of each month, and expect the new version to be released within the first week of the month. New features from different tools integrated in this boilerplate might not always be implemented at once, especially on experimental features. If you want any particular feature to be implemented, please file an issue, or consider make a new pull request.

Development plan

  • Develop a create-react-app-like NPX tool !!! (pending)
  • Integrate another end-to-end testing framework to replace Spectron
  • Migrate to Webpack 5 Asset Modules (pending for v4.2.0)
  • Integrate HMR & Webpack dev server
  • Introduce v5.x-beta releases based on v4.x with ESM support.

🚨 🚧 CAUTION 🚧 🚨

  • Spectron has officially been deprecated by the Electron team on February 1, 2022, thus, its' integration has also been dropped from this boilerplate on v4+.

    A replacement will be integrated in future version (pending for v5). Currently evaluating different options including Playwright and WebdriverIO.

    See - Spectron Deprecation Notice

  • mocha has been dropped and replaced by Jest on v4+. If you're using mocha as your unit testing framework, please reference to package.json from v3.0.0.

  • ESLint config file .eslintrc.cjs introduced in v4.1.0 is written in CommonJS syntax on purpose. As of the release of v4.1.0, ESLint has yet to support ES module for its' config file. Converting the config file to ES module will result in ESLint not working.

  • ESM support introduced in v4.1.2 has been reversed in v4.1.3 as enabling ESM support has caused some incompatibilities with popular packages (e.g. MUI) without workarounds. A separate v5.x-beta branch will be released in the near future with ESM enabled by default.

Getting started

  1. Clone this repository with the following git clone command:

    git clone --depth 1 --branch master

    Alternatively, if you're hosting your Electron project on GitHub, click Use this template to create a new project.

  2. Edit the following fields in package.json for your own project:

      "name": "your-project-name",
      "version": "whatever-you-like",
      "description": "your-own-description",
      "build": {
        "appId": "your-app-id",
        "productName": "your-product-name",
        "buildVersion": "your-build-number"
      "author": "who's-the-author?",
      "license": "if-you-don't-want-to-use-MIT",
      "repository": "type-and-link-of-your-repo",
      "bugs": "issue-page-of-your-repo",
      "homepage": "homepage-of-your-repo"
  3. npm install to install the dependencies.

    Please note that optionalDependencies should only be omitted on your CI/CD pipeline for unit testing. It's meant to save some bandwidth. You'll need all the packages listed for development.

Done! Now run npm run dev to start the Webpack in development and watch mode. It's time to start working on your project.

Be aware that starting Webpack will only compile your files to dist folder but won't start the Electron app. Use npm start command to start your Electron app once the files are compiled.

Starting from v4.0.0, you no longer need to manually config your module path alias in webpack.config.js. All module path alias set in tsconfig.json will be configured in Webpack automatically thanks to tsconfig-paths and tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin.

Build your Electron app package

Different from the official Electron quick start guide, this boilerplate uses electron-builder instead of Electron Forge to package your Electron app.

By default, the build configuration in package.json is configured to build the mac universal package (for Apple Silicon & Intel based machines) and Windows exe installer (both 32 & 64 bit). You should not need to change anything in the build script other than supplying the app icon unless you need to sign your code/package or build for Linux.

For code signing and notarization, or to build for Linux, please read electron-builder's document for configuring the build script.

To package your Electron app, run npm run prod to get your code compiled in production mode, then use npm run build:(win|mac) to build the package.

Known issues

  • electron-builder packages the file into Electron's asar archive format by default. Based on past experiences with old Electron & electron-builder versions, this might lead to runtime error on Windows while launching the installed Electron app.

    One way to verify this issue is to build the mac package and see if your app runs fine on mac. If it's the case, you can override the asar archive option in the build configuration in package.json by adding asar: false in win section.

    This solution isn't ideal but since asar archiving is meant to improve performance of reading files if bundler like Webpack is not being used. The app packaging workflow defined in this boilerplate already uses Webpack to minify your code in production builds, so there shouldn't be any significant performance difference with asar archiving disabled.


Development of Electron-React-Typescript-Webpack(ERTW) Boilerplate happens 100% open on GitHub, all contributions on bugfixes and improvements are welcomed. Read below to learn how you can take part in improving this boilerplate.

A simple Code of Conduct has been adopted and all project participants are expected to adhere to. Please read the full text so that you can understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.

Read the contributing guide to learn about the development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes to ERTW Boilerplate.


Maintaining this project takes time, lots of cups of coffee, and I do it for free. Consider buy me some coffee via GitHub Sponsors or PayPal. 100% of your donation will fund my coffee buying budget for quality coffee beans from great roasters I know πŸ˜‰ β˜•οΈοΈ

Project folders & files

  • .github/ - GitHub repo config & GitHub Actions workflows

  • dist/ - Webpack output location

    Contents will be flushed automatically on execution of npm run <dev|prod> script.

  • out/ - electron-builder output location

  • public/ - Global static assets.

    • index.html - Template for HTML Webpack Plugin

      Update the value of <title> tag to change the default window title.

    • style.css - CSS file location sample

      Not much defined in this file. You can either put your CSS settings here or use any other tools you prefer.

  • src/ - Folder for all your source code

    • main/ - For modules which run on the main process.

      • main.ts - Electron main process entry point
    • preload - Preload scripts go here

      • ipc-api.ts - APIs for IPC between main & renderer

        Consider convert this module into a collection of submodules if you have many APIs for IPC. See example as below:

        // ipc-api/index.ts
        import submoduleA from './submodule-a';
        import submoduleB from './submodule-b';
        export default { ...submoduleA, ...submoduleB };
        // ipc-api/submodule-a.ts 
        import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron';
        function a { ipcRenderer.send('a'); }
        export default { a };
        // ipc-api/submodule-b.ts
        import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron';
        function b { ipcRenderer.send('b'); }
        export default { b };
      • preload.ts - Electron preload script entry point

        There should be no need to modify this file unless you want to use other key(s) for your IPC APIs. By default, all APIs defined in ipc-api module are exposed under key ipcApi in contextBridge.

    • renderer/ - Where the frontend scripts stay

      • App.tsx - Root React component

      • renderer.tsx - Electron renderer process entry point

        public/style.css imported here. Change it if you want.

    • types/ - Home for self-defined .d.ts files

      • global.d.ts - Extends global scope interfaces

        This file includes ambient declaration for calling the IPC APIs defined in preload/ipc-api from the renderer. Remember NOT to remove this part, otherwise TypeScript will tell you type not exist. However, if you've opted to use a different key other than ipcAPI in the preload script, DO remember to update this file to match your own settings.

    • utils/ - Place to store the helper scripts

      • node-env.ts - Shortcut to determine NODE environment
  • tests/ - Unit testing files location

    To avoid test files mixing up with the source code, Jest is configured to look for test file(s) within this folder only.

    File name of the test files can either be [filename].test.tsx or [filename].spec.ts(x). js(x) can also be used for test files, but I assume you'd use TypeScript if you're using this boilerplate.

    • main/main.spec.ts - Sample test file for src/main/main
    • utils/node-env.spec.ts - Unit test for src/utils/node-env
    • tsconfig.json - TypeScript config file for tests module
  • .eslintignore - ESLint ignore file

  • .eslintrc.cjs - ESLint config file

    Configured to use Airbnb's rules with TypeScript supported, and rules for Jest applied.

  • .gitignore - Git ignore file

  • - Changelog of this boilerplate prior to v4.0.0

  • - Changelog of this boilerplate from v4.0.0 onwards


  • - Contribution guide

  • - Jest config file for GitHub Actions

  • jest.config.mjs - Jest config file

  • LICENSE - MIT license

  • package-lock.json

  • package.json

    Includes basic build config for electron-builder. It's likely that you'll have to personalise the build config when it comes to the time you're about to release your app. Please read electron-builder's document for the build config setup guides.


  • tsconfig.eslint.json - TypeScript config file consume by ESLint.

  • tsconfig.json - TypeScript config file

    Module path aliases are configured here. Jest & Webpack will pick up the alias settings here to config their own. No need to manually config in Jest & Webpack again.

  • webpack.config.json - Webpack config file

    Includes configurations targetting electron-main, electron-preload, and electron-renderer respectively.


Wing Chau @Devtography


Electron React TypeScript Webpack Boilerplate is open source software licensed as MIT.