jenv is a tool for managing parallel Versions of Java Development Kits, please visit for detail. jenv-ps is a PowerShell Edition for jenv.
jenv requires PowerShell 4.0, please install following components for Windows 7. Please ignore if you use Windows 8.1.
- .Net Framework 4.5 from for Windows 7
- Windows Management Framework 4.0
After .Net Framework 4.5 and Windows Management Framework 4.0 installed, and execute following command In your PowerShell console:
(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("") | iex
You can use 'jenv selfupdate' to update jenv itself.
- install: Install candidate, such as jenv install maven 3.2.1
- default: make the version as default for candidate, such as jenv default java 1.8.0_05
- use: switch to a version for candidate, such as jenv use maven 3.1.1
- list: list the candidate versions, such as jenv list maven
- repoupdate: update jenv central repo
Editor: PowerGUI Script Editor, VCS: Git. Steps as following:
set-executionpolicy remotesigned
git clone C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\jenv
Get-Module -ListAvailable
Import-Module -Verbose -Name jenv
Modify c:\Users\xxx\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 add "jenv init"
- local repository support
- default version for candidate
- code completion
- Document