Some sweet blooket hacks that likely work. Known non-working cheats: Recently updated, so none at the moment
Please create an issue if you find a cheat that doesn't work. I am actively working on fixing these, and notice on other non-working cheats would be very helpful.
Blooket Hacks: Bookmarklet=>Copy gui.min.js and paste it into a bookmark. Run the bookmark while on Blooket to open the hacks Console=>Copy gui.js and paste it directly into the console. You can open it by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+J 🚗 Client: Copy the file and paste it into a book mark. Run it on any website to open.
Check LICENSE for information regarding liability and warranty
If you plan on using the games tab of the client only use the URL ending in otherwise it won't work. (Doesn't apply if you don't have website restrictions)
05konz - Template for Blooket Hacks
penguinify - 🚗 Client