A Telegram bot to send broadcast messages to all the users on the bot.
(Only for Educational Purposes)
- ✅ Ease of use.
- ✅ Including text, images and markdown are supported.
- ✅ Show/Hide Forwarded tag.
- ✅ Unlimited Users.
- ✅ User Database with SQLite3.
- ✅ No Developer side limits.
- ✅ Beginner friendly code.
- ✅ Extensible with any pytelegramBotAPI bot.
- Upon receiving this /start from the users, their information will be automatically added to a SQLite database.
- Users
will be collected. - Fork the repo and modify the code, if you want more features.
- Simply send a reply to your broadcast message as /broadcast. Replied message will sent to to all the users in the bot (from the database).
- Python 3.x.x
- pyTelegramBotAPI library.
- Get your BOT_API_KEY from here.
- Replace your api key with
variable in bot.py. - Example:
TOKEN = "09876543210:AAHePL8-xSzjOlnF5dRGiwhNyxxZsS3u7f4"
- Get your UserID from here.
- Replace your user id with
variable in bot.py. - Example:
adminUserID = 1234567890"
- Save!
git clone https://github.com/hansanaD/Telegram-Broadcast-Bot.git;
cd Telegram-Broadcast-Bot;
pip install -r requirements.txt;
python bot.py
This repository is intended for educational and personal use only. The use of this repository for any commercial or illegal purposes is strictly prohibited. Spamming or misuse of the broadcast feature is strictly prohibited. Users are expected to adhere to Telegram's terms of service. The repository owner is not responsible for any misuse of the software or any legal consequences that may arise from such misuse
- APIs : pyTelegramBotAPI
- Contact for issues : @dev00111