The WinForms Spreadsheet Control allows you to create high-impact business data analysis solutions that emulate the look, feel and capabilities of Microsoft Excel®. It includes full integration with the DevExpress Ribbon control so you can deliver Excel-inspired functionality with minimal effort.
This example demonstrates how to use the Spreadsheet API to execute the following actions:
- Apply data validation to control the type of data or the values that users enter into a cell
- Remove rows and columns that meet the specified condition
- Custom XML Parts
- Manage form controls
- CustomXmlPartActions.cs (VB: CustomXmlPartActions.vb)
- DataValidationActions.cs (VB: DataValidationActions.vb)
- RowAndColumnActions.cs (VB: RowAndColumnActions.vb)
- FormControlActions.cs (VB: FormControlActions.vb)
(you will be redirected to to submit your response)