The example contains the source code of the scripts created in the step-by-step Custom Item tutorials.
View Tutorial: Create a Static Custom Item
View Script: HelloWorldItem.js
The script contains a HelloWorld static custom item with a custom property that allows you to change the static text.
View Tutorial: Create a Data-Aware Custom Item
View Script: DataAwareItem.js
This script contains a data-aware custom item that displays formatted dimension values and allows users to color these values.
View Tutorial: Create a Data-Aware Item based on an External Visualization Widget
View Script: FunnelChartItem.js
This script contains a more "real-world" custom item that uses an external visualization widget. In this example, it is the dxFunnel widget that can show values across multiple stages in a process. This widget supports data binding, master filtering, and coloring.
- Dashboard for ASP.NET Core - Custom Item Gallery
- Dashboard for ASP.NET Core - Custom Properties
- Dashboard for React - Custom Item Tutorials
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