This is the AQUA catalog for Climate DT. Includes catalogs for levante, lumi, MN5 and leonardo. This repository focuses on the catalog, the main AQUA codebase will be open-sourced soon.
- ci: Catalog for the CI/CD tests of AQUA.
- climatedt-e25.1: Catalog for the Climate DT E suite 25.1 experiments.
- climatedt-phase1: Catalog for the Climate DT phase1 production experiments. (Lumi, LRA on Levante and MN5 as well)
- leonardo: Catalog for the Leonardo HPC.
- levante: Catalog for the Levante HPC.
- lumi-phase1: Catalog for the LUMI HPC development phase1
- lumi-phase2: Catalog for the LUMI HPC development phase2
- mn5-phase2: Catalog for the MN5 HPC development phase2
- nextgems3: Catalog with the nextGEMS cycle3 experiments. (Levante)
- nextgems4: Catalog with the nextGEMS cycle4 experiments. (Levante)
- obs: Catalog with the observational datasets. (multi machine)
If a catalog has some errata or some work to be done, a README file is present in the catalog folder.