A more advanced alternative to Dart's native Map
implementation. All
operations that fetch an element from the Dictionary
returns an Option
type. If the fetched value existed then the Option
type returned will
be Some
and will have the value wrapped inside. If the key was not found
in the Dictionary
then the Option
type returned will be None
We returning Option
types instead of raw values is you can focus more on
the composition and flow of your logic instead of worrying about defensive
safety checks.
Tested with Dart 1.12.1
import 'package:dict/dict.dart';
main() {
var dict = new Dictionary.fromMap({
'A': 'a',
'B': 'b',
'C': 'c'
var other = new Dictionary.fromMap({
'C': 'c',
'D': 'd',
'E': 'e'
var lowerA = dict.getOrDefault('A', 'N/A');
var lowerB = dict['B'].getOrDefault('N/A');
var lowerC = dict.get('C').getOrDefault('N/A');
var findA = dict.findKey((v, k) => k == 'A').getOrDefault('N/A');
var findB = dict.findValue((v, k) => v == 'b').getOrDefault('N/A');
var findBs = dict.partition((v, k) => v == 'b');
var mapped = dict.map((v, k) => v + " - mapped");
var byValue = dict.groupBy((v, k) => v);
var diffKey = dict.differenceKey(other);
var diffVal = dict.difference(other);
var interKey = dict.intersectionKey(other);
var interVal = dict.intersection(other);
var merged = dict.merge(other);
var reduced = dict.reduce((memo, v, k) => memo + v);
var folded = dict.fold(new Dictionary(), (memo, v, k) {
memo[k] = v + " - folded";
return memo;
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.