Epergoes* is a theme for RStudio that I designed to meet a few key needs:
Be a colourblind-safe light theme; most colourblind-safe themes seem to be dark.
Don't use colour for type indication. I don't get any utility out of seeing Numerics in a different colour than Logicals; I already know this by reading the code. There is one exception...
Use colour to show unclosed Character strings. In Epergoes, strings get a coloured background so that if a string isn't closed properly, you will see that background colour spread to the rest of your code immediately.
Facilitate code skimming. I often scroll through scripts looking for section headers, so those show up as fat blue lines. I often scan code blocks by looking for the functions used in them, so function names show as bold blue text.
Make comments hyper-visible. Good comments communicate important information about the rationale and intent of code that can't be communicated by the code itself. For example, why did you omit a variable from your models when the variable seems very relevant? Comments in Epergoes are therefore loud and visible.
You need to be running RStudio v 1.2.x or greater.
First, install the rstudioapi
Then, run the command below to install the theme.
apply = TRUE, force = TRUE)
You can change the active theme at any time by going to (Tools → Global Options → Appearance) and applying a new theme.
The theme can be uninstalled by selecting it in the list and clicking (Remove).
* The name "Epergoes" has no meaning to me, and was randomly generated and chosen for SEO purposes.