Hi geeks of internet. I am software engineer; my name is Kevin; I am from El Salvador 🇸🇻
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Vuejs
- 💼 I'm currently work at teip and I am frontend engineer
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about Bitcoin and cripto currency
- 🎯 My goal is to become a lead javascript engineer.
- 🎧 I enjoy listening to music while working everytime.
- 🎭 I enojoy watch anime in my free time.
My passion in the world of web techology is solving problems, designing alghoritms, connect interactive web apps to API´s and create awesome animation and not die trying it.
My expectations are to be effective both working as an individual as a team.
- 🖥 FrontEnd: Vue, Vuex, SASS, Webpack, React basic, Laravel Blade
- ⚓️ BackEnd: Laravel, Node.js, Express, Fastify
- 🚀 CI/CD: GitHub Actions
- 🚢 DevOps: Docker
- ✍🏻 UI Frameworks: TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, Vuetify
- 👨🏼💻 Web technologies: HTML5, CSS3, ES5
- 💾 Databases: MongoDB, MySQL
- 🤖 Misc: Git, Eslint, Prettier, Typescript
- 👾 Languages: Javascript, PHP, Java
- Twitter - @deskmendez
- LinkedIn - Kevin Méndez
- Medium.com - Kevin Méndez