FiveM script improving immersion by simulating bike chains rusting and popping out.
- Detailed JSON config.
- After defined amount of seconds, chain of the bike can pop out. If not, chance for that is increased by defined percentage amount.
- If chain has popped out, bike is unusable and undrivable. You can only push bike by holding forward key(W) while character are entering it.
- You can put chain back on its place with defined amount of time, animation and prop.
- To decrease chain pop chance, you can spray it using WD40 with defined amount of time.
- Notifications when: chain is rusty, popped out, back on the place etc.
- ESX framework
- qb-target (3rd eye)
- ox_inventory (storing item metadata)
- Remember this is a C# resource so even if resource monitor shows high CPU usage in reality its not. Read more here, here and here If this still does not convince you can consider using mono v2 by replacing CitizenFX libraries and compiling it by yourself.
- Used LUA for 3rd eye(qb-target) usage, got not enough time to figure out LUA exports work into C#.
- Due to fivem re-using network id's, new spawned bike can use already despawned bike network id and its data in result causing chain out of place after spawning.