detection of question repeated questions
This is a sesond attempt at the Quora questions kaggle challange i worked on a few years back using classical features.
In this iteration I first attempt to use word2vec embeddings, then bert embedings, and finally training embeddings with the model.
The final model implemented is Siamese LSTM to classify pairs of sentences as either the same question or different.
- Removed special characters
- Transform contractions into full form
- Limit text to 16 words
- padding for text length less than 16
- Tried Word2Vec
- Trained embedding together with model (with zero masking)
- Input1 -> LSTM1(128)
- Input2 -> LSTM2(128)
- subtract[LSTM1, LSTM2]
- Dense(128, ReLu) -> Dense(64, ReLu) -> Dense(1, Sigmoid)
40 epochs
loss: 0.5062 - acc: 0.7699
val_loss: 0.389 - val_acc: 0.823
improvements will be made, tune parameters
for inference check
Included Trained LSTM in rep, link to Word2vec embedding