Kalyan jewelers are one of the oldest business families in India with a family legacy of over a century in the jewelry business. Kalyan Jewelers have a strong presence across 21 states and union territories, and our 100-plus network of showrooms covers all major cities.
This project was built by us during the contruct week of unit 2 in Masai School.
Home Page: Small details of all the data that is inside the the website, with all the ads, functional navbar with options, and moving images.
Sign-Up/Sign-In: User authentication, which is requeried to check whether user id and password match with details they filled in the sign up page and if else if visiting first time then create an account else if entered the wrong details while sign in then a prompt of entering the right email.
Shop Online Page: Page with all the details of the products available in our website, which can also be sorted according to the user convinience.
Cart/Checkout page: User can see or remove products added in the cart and the best offer available in that particular time will be pre-applied on the total amount.
Payment Page: Users can choose their means of payment, whichever they feel comfortable with.
Order Successful: After sucessful payment an alert message will be shown.
HTML CSS JavaScript: DOM Manupulation, local storage
GitHub is Managed by Deepanshu while the Readme.md was done by Sudeep.
The navbar is designed, functionality done by Micheal and Sudeep.
The Landing Page is designed & functioned by Micheal.
The sign-up and sign-in page with their functionality was designed by Avnish.
All products page and sorting data is designed Ayush.
Cart/Checkout page is designed by Deepanshu & functioned by Micheal
Payment page is designed by Sakshi.
We all learnt to build website together as team and also we cleared bugs and became more proficient in Handling data, Dom Manupilation, Javascript, HTML and CSS.
We have also discoverd new ways to style our web pages using css.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at michealgeorge432@gmail.com, haldarsudeep28@gmail.com, ayushpratapsingh235@gmail.com, deepanshuchugh24@gmail.com, sakshi.casper@gmail.com, kavanish011@gmail.com