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DeepTrack2 is a modular Python library for generating, manipulating, and analyzing image data pipelines for machine learning and experimental imaging.
TensorFlow Compatibility Notice: DeepTrack2 version 2.0 and subsequent do not support TensorFlow. If you need TensorFlow support, please install the legacy version 1.7.
The following quick start guide is intended for complete beginners to understand how to use DeepTrack2, from installation to training your first model. Let's get started!
DeepTrack2 2.0 requires at least python 3.9.
To install DeepTrack2, open a terminal or command prompt and run:
pip install deeptrack
python -m pip install deeptrack
This will automatically install the required dependencies.
Here you find a series of notebooks that give you an overview of the core features of DeepTrack2 and how to use them:
DTGS101 Introduction to DeepTrack2
Overview of how to use DeepTrack 2. Creating images combining DeepTrack2 features, extracting properties, and using them to train a neural network.
DTGS111 Loading Image Files Using Sources
Using sources to load image files and to train a neural network.
DTGS121 Tracking a Point Particle with a CNN
Tracking a point particle with a convolutional neural network (CNN) using simulated images in the training process.
DTGS131 Tracking Multiple Particles with a U-Net
Tracking multiple particles using a U-net trained on simulated images.
DTGS141 Distinguishing Particles with a U-Net
Tracking and distinguishing particles of different sizes in brightfield microscopy using a U-net trained on simulated images.
DTGS151 Unsupervised Object Detection
Single-shot unsupervised object detection a using LodeSTAR.
These are examples of how DeepTrack2 can be used on real datasets:
Training a fully connected neural network to identify handwritten digits using MNIST dataset.
DTEx212 Single Particle Tracking
Tracks experimental videos of a single particle. (Requires opencv-python compiled with ffmpeg)
DTEx213 Multi-Particle tracking
Detecting quantum dots in a low SNR image.
DTEx214 Particle Feature Extraction
Extracting the radius and refractive index of particles.
DTEx215 Cell Counting
Counting the number of cells in fluorescence images.
DTEx216 3D Multi-Particle tracking
Tracking multiple particles in 3D for holography.
DTEx217 GAN image generation
Using a GAN to create cell image from masks.
Specific examples for label-free particle tracking using LodeSTAR:
DTEx231A LodeSTAR Autotracker Template
DTEx231B LodeSTAR Detecting Particles of Various Shapes
DTEx231C LodeSTAR Measuring the Mass of Particles in Holography
DTEx231D LodeSTAR Detecting the Cells in the BF-C2DT-HSC Dataset
DTEx231E LodeSTAR Detecting the Cells in the Fluo-C2DT-Huh7 Dataset
DTEx231F LodeSTAR Detecting the Cells in the PhC-C2DT-PSC Dataset
DTEx231G LodeSTAR Detecting Plankton
DTEx231H LodeSTAR Detecting in 3D Holography
DTEx231I LodeSTAR Measuring the Mass of Simulated Particles
DTEx231J LodeSTAR Measuring the Mass of Cells
Specific examples for graph-neural-network-based particle linking and trace characterization using MAGIK:
This section provides a list of advanced topic tutorials. The primary focus of these tutorials is to demonstrate the functionalities of individual modules and how they work in relative isolation, helping to provide a better understanding of them and their roles in DeepTrack2.
DTAT301 deeptrack.features
DTAT311 deeptrack.image
DTAT321 deeptrack.scatterers
DTAT323 deeptrack.optics
DTAT324 deeptrack.holography
DTAT325 deeptrack.aberrations
DTAT327 deeptrack.noises
DTAT329 deeptrack.augmentations
DTAT341 deeptrack.sequences
DTAT381 deeptrack.math
DTAT383 deeptrack.utils
DTAT385 deeptrack.statistics
DTAT387 deeptrack.types
DTAT389 deeptrack.elementwise
DTAT391A deeptrack.sources.base
DTAT391B deeptrack.sources.folder
DTAT391C deeptrack.sources.rng
DTAT393B deeptrack.pytorch.features
DTAT395 deeptrack.extras.radialcenter
DTAT399A deeptrack.backend.core
DTAT399B deeptrack.backend.pint_definition
DTAT399C deeptrack.backend.units
DTAT399D deeptrack.backend.polynomials
DTAT399E deeptrack.backend.mie
DTAT399F deeptrack.backend._config
Here you find a series of notebooks tailored for DeepTrack2's developers:
DTDV401 Overview of Code Base
DTDV411 Style Guide
The detailed documentation of DeepTrack2 is available at the following link:
If you use DeepTrack 2.1 in your project, please cite us:
"Quantitative Digital Microscopy with Deep Learning."
Benjamin Midtvedt, Saga Helgadottir, Aykut Argun, Jesús Pineda, Daniel Midtvedt & Giovanni Volpe.
Applied Physics Reviews, volume 8, article number 011310 (2021).
See also:
Deep Learning Crash Course
Benjamin Midtvedt, Jesús Pineda, Henrik Klein Moberg, Harshith Bachimanchi, Joana B. Pereira, Carlo Manzo & Giovanni Volpe.
2025, No Starch Press (San Francisco, CA)
ISBN-13: 9781718503922
"Single-shot self-supervised object detection in microscopy."
Benjamin Midtvedt, Jesús Pineda, Fredrik Skärberg, Erik Olsén, Harshith Bachimanchi, Emelie Wesén, Elin K. Esbjörner, Erik Selander, Fredrik Höök, Daniel Midtvedt & Giovanni Volpe
Nature Communications, volume 13, article number 7492 (2022).
"Geometric deep learning reveals the spatiotemporal fingerprint of microscopic motion."
Jesús Pineda, Benjamin Midtvedt, Harshith Bachimanchi, Sergio Noé, Daniel Midtvedt, Giovanni Volpe & Carlo Manzo
Nature Machine Intelligence volume 5, pages 71–82 (2023).
"Digital video microscopy enhanced by deep learning."
Saga Helgadottir, Aykut Argun & Giovanni Volpe.
Optica, volume 6, pages 506-513 (2019).
This work was supported by the ERC Starting Grant ComplexSwimmers (Grant No. 677511), the ERC Starting Grant MAPEI (101001267), and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.