It is a lib that can make you use message(text)
to create a v-snackbar
you must use vue@>3.0.0
and vuetify@>3.0.0
npm add vuetify-message-vue3
# or pnpm add vuetify-message-vue3
# or yarn add vuetify-message-vue3
<!-- App.vue -->
<script setup lang="ts">
import { MessageProvider } from "vuetify-message-vue3";
<!-- here write you content -->
<HelloWorld />
<!-- HelloWorld.vue -->
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useMessage } from "vuetify-message-vue3";
const message = useMessage();
const show = () => {
message("hello world!");
<v-btn @click="show">show message</v-btn>
function message(text: string, config: MessageConfig): {
close: () => void;
interface MessageConfig {
// VSnackbar's color prop
color?: VSnackbarProps["color"];
// string or jsx
text: string | (() => VNodeChild);
// six location
| "top left"
| "top center"
| "top right"
| "bottom left"
| "bottom center"
| "bottom right";
// VSnackbar's timeout prop
timeout?: VSnackbarProps["timeout"];
// VSnackbar's variant prop
variant?: VSnackbarProps["variant"];
// message.primary
// color property will be set 'primary'
function primary(
text: string | (() => VNodeChild),
config?: Omit<MessageConfig, "color">
): {
close: () => void;
// message.success
// color property will be set 'success'
function success(
text: string | (() => VNodeChild),
config?: Omit<MessageConfig, "color">
): {
close: () => void;
// message.warn
// color property will be set 'warning'
function warning(
text: string | (() => VNodeChild),
config?: Omit<MessageConfig, "color">
): {
close: () => void;
// message.error
// color property will be set 'error'
function error(
text: string | (() => VNodeChild),
config?: Omit<MessageConfig, "color">
): {
close: () => void;