This is an Android App which I have built by utilizing several firebase features to give a full-fledged experience of a chatting app.
I have used the following firebase features:
--Firebase Authentication-- : For authenticating the users to join the chatting app.
--Firebase Realtime Database--: For storing the messages and images' link sent by the users.
--Firebase Storage--: For storing the image files in cloud.
--Firebase Remote Config--: For managing in-app default values that control the behavior and appearance of the app.
--Firebase Cloud Messaging--: For pushing in app notifications.
--Firebase Cloud Functions--: For triggering an event when some change is detected.
--Firebase Analytics--: For looking at the statistics of app.
Built with
FriendlyChat is an app that allows users to send and receive text and photos in realtime across platforms.
Setup requires creating a Firebase project. See for more information.