Boolean Information Retrieval System with wildcard and spell check support
To run the project:
Clone the project.
Create a directory named "Data" and store all your documents and another directory "preprocessed_data" for the preprocessed files to be written into.
Run the "IR_system" python program.
After the program is done with preprocessing the documents, the user query is to be entered following the format as shown through an example below.
( ( harry AND met ) OR ( NOT sally ) ) , space is to be given after every keyword, operator, bracket.
(william) wont work as there is not gap between keyword and bracket
The output for the query will be calculated and printed out on the console.
Test cases to try out:
Normal search: ( valeria ).
Correct words with AND operator: ( dissolutely AND bardolph ).
Correct words with OR operator: ( scarf OR merriness ).
Correct words with NOT operator: ( NOT william ).
WIldcard: ( vala ).
AND and NOT: ( Ceasar AND ( NOT william ) ).
WIldcard and OR: ( vala OR bar* ).
Wrong Spelling: ( valer ).
user can continuously query and then can pass "-1" when they dont wish to pass any more new queries.