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  • 🧠 🔭 I'm learning EVERYTHING about this universe and ML.
  • 👯 🤝 Always open to collaborations on Machine Learning topics and Interdisciplinary research topics.
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C Python C# C++ Java Rust .NET Django After Effects Premiere Pro Ethereum Avalanche MetaMask

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Bilgisayar Bilimlerine Giriş (CS50) LAB 1 - C'nin ve  Visual Studio Code'un Kurulumu Bilgisayar Bilimlerine Giriş (CS50) DERS 1 - Programlamaya Giriş C Bilgisayar Bilimlerine Giriş (CS50) DERS 0 - Bilgisayarlar Nasıl Çalışır? SIFIRDAN İLERİ SEVİYEYE YAZILIM GELİŞTİRİCİ VE YAPAY ZEKA KURSU - İNTRO BU KİTAP BANA NE ANLATIYOR? PUTLARIN ALACAKARANLIĞI - Nietzsche 2. Bölüm SERT OLUN KARDEŞLERİM! Hayatın Kaynağı Ayn Rand - Bölüm 6 ( Sesli Kitap )

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Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.

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⚡ Recent GitHub Activity

  1. 🎉 Merged PR #7 in Daymenion/Cross-Modal-Aligned-Representations
  2. 💪 Opened PR #7 in Daymenion/Cross-Modal-Aligned-Representations
  3. 🎉 Merged PR #6 in Daymenion/Cross-Modal-Aligned-Representations
  4. 💪 Opened PR #6 in Daymenion/Cross-Modal-Aligned-Representations
  5. 🎉 Merged PR #5 in Daymenion/Cross-Modal-Aligned-Representations

🛠️ My Favorite Tools

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MIPS Assembly Bash C C++ C# Ceylon Google Apps Script Java JavaScript LaTeX Markdown Node.js Prolog Python R Restructured Text Scratch SQL SVG+XML TypeScript

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Arduino GitHub Actions JUnit Material Design NumPy Pandas PHPUnit Praw Pytest React Slim Symfony SymPy TensorFlow

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GitHub Pages MongoDB MySQL Notion Render SQLite Vercel

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