This repo contains concourse tasks definitions, example bosh manifiests, and documentation to automate the vSphere bosh windows stemcell creation process for a Pivotal cloud foundry windows cell using a concourse pipeline.
The pipeline will run all windows updates, install diego cell pre-reqs (HWC,.NET,bosh-agent,etc), harden the OS (Disable RDP, local security policy,etc), and upload a stemcell to an S3 bucket. The final job in the pipeline will run acceptance tests on the stemcell.
- Bosh director on Vsphere. see and
- Bosh deployed concourse that supports external workers see and
- Stand alone concourse windows worker joined to the bosh deployed concourse env with the required software dependencies installed
- S3 compatible storage. Bosh deployed minio works see and
All of these commands where executed from a ubunu linux jumphost that is on the same network as vsphere, the director and the deployments. Instructions for creating this jumphost are not in this guide.
- Deploy Vsphere bosh director
- Configure cloud configuration
- Bosh Deploy concourse
- Bosh deploy minio and create buckets
- Manualy build Concourse Windows worker VM
- Manualy build initial VM template and place in S3 Bucket
- Create creds.yml file
- set pipeline with creds.yml and run it
# Install Bosh2 CLI
$ wget
$ chmod +x bosh-cli-*
$ sudo mv bosh-cli-* /usr/local/bin/bosh
# Install Bosh2CLI create-env dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install -y build-essential zlibc zlib1g-dev ruby ruby-dev openssl libxslt-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev libreadline6 libreadline6-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3
$ git clone ~/workspace/bosh-deployment
# Create a directory to keep Director deployment
$ mkdir -p ~/deployments/bosh-1
$ cd ~/deployments/bosh-1
# Increase bosh director disk size to support windows stemcells
$ sed -i.bak 's/20_000/200_000/' ~/workspace/bosh-deployment/vsphere/cpi.yml
# Change bosh DNS server from to local DNS server (if you skip this step you will not be able to upload stemcells to the director)
$ sed -i.bak 's/' ~/workspace/bosh-deployment/bosh.yml
# Deploy a Director -- ./creds.yml is generated automatically
# Replace -v flags with details from your enviornmnet
$ bosh create-env ~/workspace/bosh-deployment/bosh.yml \
--state ./state.json \
-o ~/workspace/bosh-deployment/vsphere/cpi.yml \
--vars-store ./creds.yml \
-v director_name=bosh
-v internal_cidr=
-v internal_gw=
-v internal_ip=
-v vcenter_cluster=
-v network_name=
-v vcenter_ip=
-v vcenter_user=
-v vcenter_password=
-v vcenter_dc=
-v vcenter_vms=
-v vcenter_templates=
-v vcenter_ds=
-v vcenter_disks=
# Alias deployed Director
$ bosh -e --ca-cert <(bosh int ./creds.yml --path /director_ssl/ca) alias-env bosh-1
# Log in to the Director
$ export BOSH_CLIENT=admin
$ export BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET=`bosh int ./creds.yml --path /admin_password`
$ git clone ~/workspace/stemcellci
$ bosh -e bosh-1 update-cloud-config ~/workspace/stemcellci/Examples/cloud-config.yml
-v network_name=
-v internal_cidr=
-v internal_gw=
-v vcenter_cluster=
-v dns_ip=
-v concourse_ip=
-v minio_ip=
# Generate Keys
$ cd ~/deployments/bosh-1
$ ssh-keygen -f tsakey -t rsa -N ''
$ ssh-keygen -f workerkey -t rsa -N ''
# Upload Releases and Stemcells
$ bosh -e bosh-1 upload-release
$ bosh -e bosh-1 upload-release
$ bosh -e bosh-1 upload-stemcell
# Deploy concourse. Replace variables
$ bosh -e bosh-1 -d concourse deploy ~/workspace/stemcellci/Examples/concourse.yml \
-v director_uuid= \
-v concourse_ip= \
-v concourse_url= \
-v concourse_admin_password= \
--var-file=host_public_key=~/deployments/bosh-1/ \
--var-file=authorized_keys=~/deployments/bosh-1/ \
# Clone, Build, and upload release to director
$ git clone ~/workspace/minio
$ cd ~/workspace/minio/
$ bosh create-release --name minio --force
$ bosh -e bosh-1 upload-release
# Deploy Minio in a single node config
$ bosh -e bosh-1 -d minio deploy ~/workspace/stemcellci/Examples/minio.yml \
-v director_uuid= \
-v minio_ip= \
-v minio_password=
Create the following buckets In minio or other S3 compatible store
- vmx-with-windows-update
- bosh-windows-stemcells-pre-release-candidate
- bosh-windows-stemcells-release-candidate
If you using minio you can create them via the UI. Access minio via http://minio-ip:9000