This is a wipe tracker for my raid team. It's a fully client-side sveltekit app that uses PocketBase as a backend. This started as a complete joke, but the stack is actually kinda sick for this type of thing so I figured I'd fully build it out.
Would I recommend this for anything serious? Probably not. But it's fun, insanely fast to develop with, and I think I'm honestly gonna use this for a bunch of personal internal tools. I'll open source those as well so there will be better examples then f-ing burgology.
- SvelteKit
- PocketBase
- Tailwind
- Clone the repo
- Download PocketBase from here: and put it in the POCKETBASE_DIR folder
- Start pocketbase with
./POCKETBASE_DIR/pocketbase serve
- Install dependencies with
bun i
- Fill in the .env file with your PocketBase credentials (just need the url as PUBLIC_PB_URL)
- Run the app with
bun run dev