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Davide R. Wiest edited this page Nov 4, 2023 · 2 revisions

Core model

The topmost class is the LLMRequest, which is constructed with an LLMRequestBuilder. All required data and configuration are dependency-injected into the request, which then handles the process of getting output and using defined extensions.

The required modules are

  • Prompt: Consisting of an action, and a variable number of string-based attachments.
  • LLMConnection: A connection to the LLM that returns the output and optionally additional data
  • RequestConfig: Stores the extensions used and some behaviour.
  • LLMConfig: Stores the LLM's settings (system message, frequency pentaly etc.) as well as constraints (maximum input tokens, maximum output tokens)


Some modules have their async-counterparts: LLMRequestAsync, RequestConfigAsync, and LLMConnectionAsync

Custom exceptions

  • LLMConnectionException: Something went wrong on the LLM-connection side
  • OutputOverflow: The LLM's output was cut off because it reached the token limit
  • ÌnputOverflow: The input limit was reached. (This gets thrown before the request happens)



The CFLogger-abstract class is a serilog-like interface. Conversely, the standard logger is a serilog-implementation. By default, it saves the messages into a file too.


Handles loading of the data. Must also implement a method that determines if a matching saved request exists. It's recommended to add an option to determine if only the prompt or also the llm-configuration should be considered when looking for a match.


Handles saving the data.


A FailStrategy handles a specific exception that occured, if it can. It gets the LLMRequest and optionally returns a RequestResult. Nesting FailStrategies that handle the same exception is possible but disrecommended.


The returned object of both LLMRequest and LLMRequestAsync is a RequestResult. It contains the raw output, the reason why the LLM stopped its output, and an optional RequestAdditionalData-instance which got passed up from the LLMConnection This result can be parsed (into a ParsedRequestResult).


Both RequestResult and it's parsed counterpart have an Actions/AsyncActions-property, that makes pipelining requests easier:

  • .Then(...) -> RequestResult: Executes the next step in a pipeline of requests. It takes a function that builds the next LLMRequest from the current result, applies it to itself, and completes the request
  • .ThenConditional(...) -> RequestResult: Returns itself it the condition does not match, or if it does, it applies a function like the one in .Then(...).
  • .ThenBranching(...) -> IEnumerable<RequestResult>: Like .Then(...) but the function builds a number of requests
  • .ThenBranchingConditional(...) -> (IEnumerable<RequestResult>, IEnumerable<RequestResult>: Like .ThenBranching(...), but separates the results that pass a condition from those that don't.

All synchronous actions that would experience a performance-gain from being asynchronous have that counterpart.

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