Create physiological equivalent temperature (PET) forecasts from NWP.
Installation: Not really documented.
- To update the online data you will need to be able to make git push to using ssh. GitPython
- need cdo Climate Data Operators, with eccodes and netcdf4, obviously.
- Python modules netcdf4, GitPython, matplotlib, cdo. Plus xarray, lxml, everything else pretty standard.
- - what, this is not public???
- modify to represent your local setup
The script full_workflow:
- download and pre-process NWP files to local netcdf, one file for each variable.
- extract (and publish to GIT) forecast-time-series for a particular locations, based on pet_json
- stash the forecasts in local netcdf files, one per location, for future analysis.
If you just want to retrieve a file from pet_json, use pet_git_integration_lib.RetrieveForecast. You'll need gitpython, but you don't need any authentication.
- No checks whether local grid files are up-to-date, they are just downloaded. This can break things if a new forecast is being written (see below)
- no optimization of the time-series extraction, it is just a loop over locations. So the netcdf files are opened/closed/re-opened many times. But hey, that is what file-system caching is for, and it seems to run fast enough.
Things that can go wrong:
- if the download starts before DWD has finished writing out the files for a new forecast, the script will fail with a warning about non-unique time-series. To minimize problems, the script is run at UTC+2 times:
local times for long runs: 6, 12, 18, 24 local times for short runs: 2,8,14,20
(As these are local time, the UTC+ varies with day-light savings)