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Repository files navigation

Starpilot is like copilot, but for GitHub stars.

I've been starring repos for years thinking "This will definitely be useful later".

However I never really went back to them.

Starpilot helps this problem by allowing you to rediscover GitHub repos you had previously starred that are relevant to your current project.

Starpilot is a retrieval augmented generation CLI tool for rediscovering your GitHub stars.

Starpilot uses Large Language Models to query your GitHub stars and return the most relevant repos to your query.

❯ starpilot astrologer "How can I orchestrate llms?"
                                                   Source Documents                                                    
┃ Repo      ┃ Description             ┃ URL                      ┃ Topic                   ┃ Language                 ┃
│ Flowise   │ Drag & drop UI to build │… │ artificial-intelligence │ TypeScript JavaScript    │
│           │ your customized LLM     │                          │ chatgpt                 │ CSS SCSS HTML Dockerfile │
│           │ flow                    │                          │ large-language-models   │ Shell Batchfile          │
│           │                         │                          │ llm low-code no-code    │                          │
│           │                         │                          │ hacktoberfest           │                          │
│ langchain │ ⚡ Building             │… │                         │ Python Jupyter Notebook  │
│           │ applications with LLMs  │                          │                         │ MDX Shell Makefile XSLT  │
│           │ through composability   │                          │                         │ HTML Dockerfile TeX      │
│           │ ⚡                      │                          │                         │ JavaScript               │
│ motorhead │ 🧠 Motorhead is a       │… │ machine-learning ml     │ Rust Dockerfile          │
│           │ memory and information  │                          │ mlops rust llmops llms  │                          │
│           │ retrieval server for    │                          │                         │                          │
│           │ LLMs.                   │                          │                         │                          │
│ lancedb   │ Developer-friendly,     │… │ embeddings llms         │ Python Rust TypeScript   │
│           │ serverless vector       │                          │ vector-search           │ JavaScript Shell         │
│           │ database for AI         │                          │                         │ Dockerfile PowerShell    │
│           │ applications. Easily    │                          │                         │                          │
│           │ add long-term memory to │                          │                         │                          │
│           │ your LLM apps!          │                          │                         │                          │

Here's some more details about the motivation for and state of the project.

Here is a talk I gave about the project



This project is in early development and is not yet available on PyPi

To install the latest version from GitHub run:

pip install git+ --user

To install the latest tagged release (potentially the more stable approach) from GitHub run:

pip install git+ --user


You will need to have a .env file with

  • a GitHub personal access token saved to a .env file in the root of the project. This should have the user> read:user scope permission.
  • a OpenAI API key saved to a .env file in the root of the project. This is needed for Self Query in the astrologer command, not semantic similarity via the shoot command.

The command starpilot setup will help you set this up.


This not required for the CLI to work, but is required if read is set to include the README.MD content for each repo.

You may potentially need Pandoc installed on your computer if your starred repos contain a rst formatted Readme that you want to load into the database which is used by some Python projects.


shoot for simple semantic search


astrologer for more complex self querying



❯ starpilot --help
 Usage: starpilot [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...                                                                                 
╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --install-completion          Install completion for the current shell.                                                    │
│ --show-completion             Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.             │
│ --help                        Show this message and exit.                                                                  │
╭─ Commands ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ astrologer   A self-query of the vectorstore that allows the user to search for a repo while filtering by attributes       │
│ read         Read stars from GitHub                                                                                        │
│ setup        Setup the CLI with the required API keys                                                                      │
│ shoot        An embedding search of the vectorstore                                                                        │

More examples

❯ starpilot astrologer "How do I use dataframes?"
                                                                               Source Documents                                                                                
┃ Repo       ┃ Description                ┃ URL                                      ┃ Topic                     ┃ Primary Language ┃ Languages                  ┃ Star Count ┃
│ data.table │ R's data.table package     │ │                           │ R                │ R C Batchfile Shell        │ 3451       │
│            │ extends data.frame:        │                                          │                           │                  │ Makefile C++ CSS           │            │
│            │                            │                                          │                           │                  │ Dockerfile                 │            │
│ tibble     │ A modern re-imagining of   │      │ r tidy-data               │ R                │ R C Mermaid                │ 641        │
│            │ the data frame             │                                          │                           │                  │                            │            │
│ pandas     │ Flexible and powerful data │     │ data-analysis pandas      │ Python           │ Python Shell HTML C Smarty │ 41377      │
│            │ analysis / manipulation    │                                          │ flexible alignment python │                  │ CSS Dockerfile XSLT Cython │            │
│            │ library for Python,        │                                          │ data-science              │                  │ Meson                      │            │
│            │ providing labeled data     │                                          │                           │                  │                            │            │
│            │ structures similar to R    │                                          │                           │                  │                            │            │
│            │ data.frame objects,        │                                          │                           │                  │                            │            │
│            │ statistical functions, and │                                          │                           │                  │                            │            │
│            │ much more                  │                                          │                           │                  │                            │            │
❯ starpilot astrologer "How do I use dataframes in Rust?"
                                                                               Source Documents                                                                                
┃ Repo      ┃ Description                 ┃ URL                                    ┃ Topic                      ┃ Primary Language ┃ Languages                   ┃ Star Count ┃
│ polars    │ Dataframes powered by a     │      │ dataframe-library          │ Rust             │ Rust Python Makefile R CSS  │ 24592      │
│           │ multithreaded, vectorized   │                                        │ dataframe dataframes rust  │                  │                             │            │
│           │ query engine, written in    │                                        │ arrow python out-of-core   │                  │                             │            │
│           │ Rust                        │                                        │ polars                     │                  │                             │            │
│ weld      │ High-performance runtime    │   │ stanford data analytics    │ Rust             │ Rust Makefile C++ Python C  │ 2980       │
│           │ for data analytics          │                                        │ machine-learning           │                  │ Shell Batchfile             │            │
│           │ applications                │                                        │ code-generation            │                  │                             │            │
│           │                             │                                        │ performance rust llvm      │                  │                             │            │
│           │                             │                                        │ pandas                     │                  │                             │            │
│ polars-ai │ 💬 Chat with your Polars    │ │ cli dataframe evcxr        │ Rust             │ Rust                        │ 3          │
│           │ DataFrame from your CLI and │                                        │ jupyter openai polars rust │                  │                             │            │
│           │ your app! (WIP)             │                                        │ polars-ai                  │                  │                             │            │
❯ starpilot astrologer "Suggest dataframe packages on CRAN"
                                                                               Source Documents                                                                                
┃ Repo       ┃ Description                       ┃ URL                                      ┃ Topic       ┃ Primary Language ┃ Languages                         ┃ Star Count ┃
│ tibble     │ A modern re-imagining of the data │      │ r tidy-data │ R                │ R C Mermaid                       │ 641        │
│            │ frame                             │                                          │             │                  │                                   │            │
│ data.table │ R's data.table package extends    │ │             │ R                │ R C Batchfile Shell Makefile C++  │ 3451       │
│            │ data.frame:                       │                                          │             │                  │ CSS Dockerfile                    │            │
│ broom      │ Convert statistical analysis      │          │             │ R                │ R                                 │ 19         │
│            │ objects from R into tidy format   │                                          │             │                  │                                   │            │
❯ starpilot astrologer "test api python"
                                                                               Source Documents                                                                                
┃ Repo      ┃ Description                 ┃ URL                                    ┃ Topic                      ┃ Primary Language ┃ Languages                   ┃ Star Count ┃
│ responses │ A utility for mocking out   │ │ tag-production             │ Python           │ Makefile Python Shell       │ 4018       │
│           │ the Python Requests         │                                        │                            │                  │                             │            │
│           │ library.                    │                                        │                            │                  │                             │            │
│ pytest    │ The pytest framework makes  │   │ unit-testing test testing  │ Python           │ Python Gherkin              │ 11164      │
│           │ it easy to write small      │                                        │ python hacktoberfest       │                  │                             │            │
│           │ tests, yet scales to        │                                        │                            │                  │                             │            │
│           │ support complex functional  │                                        │                            │                  │                             │            │
│           │ testing                     │                                        │                            │                  │                             │            │
│ pokeapi   │ The Pokémon API             │     │ beginner-friendly api      │ Python           │ Python Makefile Dockerfile  │ 3881       │
│           │                             │                                        │ pokemon pokeapi graphql    │                  │ Shell JavaScript Go         │            │
│           │                             │                                        │ hacktoberfest              │                  │                             │            │
❯ starpilot astrologer "How do I manipulate dates and times in R?"
                                                                               Source Documents                                                                                
┃                ┃                ┃                                                                         ┃                 ┃ Primary        ┃                 ┃            ┃
┃ Repo           ┃ Description    ┃ URL                                                                     ┃ Topic           ┃ Language       ┃ Languages       ┃ Star Count ┃
│ lubridate      │ Make working   │                                  │ r date-time     │ R              │ Emacs Lisp R    │ 712        │
│                │ with dates in  │                                                                         │ date            │                │ TeX C Shell CSS │            │
│                │ R just that    │                                                                         │                 │                │ Makefile        │            │
│                │ little bit     │                                                                         │                 │                │                 │            │
│                │ easier         │                                                                         │                 │                │                 │            │
│ Hands-On-Time… │ Hands-On-Time… │ │                 │ R              │ R               │ 102        │
│ fable          │ Tidy time      │                                      │ forecasting     │ R              │ R C++ C         │ 539        │
│                │ series         │                                                                         │                 │                │                 │            │
│                │ forecasting    │                                                                         │                 │                │                 │            │