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Collection of different tools for daily use.


CKAN version Compatible?
2.9 yes
2.10 yes
master yes


Decorators (ckanext.toolbelt.decorators)


Creates a decorator that collects functions and returns them in a dictionary. Originally designed for actions, auth functions, validators and helpers.

ℹ️ CKAN v2.10 has tk.blanket module. It does the same things in a bit different manner.

Can be used as decorator. Call Collector.get_collection when you need dictionary with names of helpers mapped to helper functions

helper = Collector()

def func():

# ITemplateHelpers
def get_helpers(self):
	return helper.get_collection()

Collector.split allows you to visually separate decorator from the method, that returns collection

action, get_actions = Collector().split()

def func():

# IActions
def get_actions(self):
	return get_actions()

If you want your functions prefixed by the plugin name, provide this prefix as a first argument to the Collector's constructor. If particular items must remain unprefixed, you can specify what name to use, when decorating an item

validator, get_validators = Collector("toolbelt").split()

def func():
	"""I am toolbelt_func

def func():
	"""I am custom_func

# IValidators
def get_validators(self):
	return get_validators()

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Cache for functions.

def func(v):
    return v * v

By default, cache is based on:

  • module, where function is defined
  • name of the function
  • positional arguments
  • named arguments

That means that following two invocations cached separately:


Cached data stored in redis as a JSON serialized structure. In order to use different serializers, you can specify dumper and loader parameters when creating Cache instance. Any function that accepts single value and returns str or bytes can be used as a dumper. Any function that accepts str or bytes and returns unserialized value can be used as loader.

from pickle import dumps, loads

@Cache(dumper=dumps, loader=loads)
def func(v):
    return v

As mentioned before, cache key computed using module, name of the function and parameters. It can be changed by passing a function as key argument to the Cache constructor. Expected signature is key_strategy(func, *args, **kwargs).

# this function will be called only once, because cache key is based on its name.
# And name will never change. Unless you change it
@Cache(key=lambda f, *a, **k: f.__name__)
def func(v):
    return v

Cache duration(in seconds) can be configured via duration parameter of the constructor(which can be a callable that returns comuted duration).

cache = Cache(duration=3600)

def func(v):
    return v + v

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Adapter for Flask-SQLAlchemy. Enables SQLAlchemy panel on FlaskDebugToolbar. You have to install flask-sqlalchemy extra to use this plugin:

pip install 'ckanext-toolbelt[flask-sqlalchemy]'


Reindex all organization's datasets when organization updated. Requires background worker.

toolbelt_composite_groups / toolbelt_composite_organizations

Enable repeating subfields(ckanext-scheming) for organization and group schemas


As soon as you've installed ckanext-toolbelt, it will register ckan toolbelt route for CLI. You don't have to add toolbelt to the list of enabled plugins.

Depending on the active plugins, extra subroutes may be added to the ckan toolbelt route.

In addition, there is global ctb command that allows to use this package without CKAN installed or without CKAN config file. But in this way some of commands (search-index for example) are not available, because they use CKAN core. ctb alias exists for setting up the CKAN or extensions and running generic services, that do not rely on CKAN instance.

Global commands, available via ctb and ckan toolbelt routes:

# create a generic configuration. Supported types:
# * deps-makefile  CKAN dependency manager
# * pre-commit     Pre-commit
# * pyproject      pyproject.toml
# * gulp-sass      gulpfile.js with SASS configuration
make config <type>

# create a configuration for GitHub Action. Supported types:
# * pypi-publish    Publish package to PyPI when vX.Y.Z tag added.
# * release-please  Create a PR that compiles changelog and publishes GitHub release.
# * test            Test workflow.
make gh-action <type>

# Generate parts of
# Supported types:
# * config  Print declared config options for the given plugins.
make readme <type>

# Start mail server that will catch outcomming mails.
dev mail-server

Commands that depends on CKAN core and available only via ckan toolbelt route:

# Drop packages that are only in search index but not in DB.
search-index clear-missing

# Clean the DB, optionally keeping data in the given tables.
db clean --yes [-k user] [-k group] [-k ...]

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No-op wrapper around filepath that can be used as a context manager:

with StaticPath("/tmp/x.txt") as path:
    with open(path) as src:
# nothing is changed


Context manager that removes file on exit:

with RemovablePath("/tmp/x.txt") as path:
    with open(path) as src:
# /tmp/x.txt is removed

path_to_resource(res_dict, max_size=0)

Returns a filepath for a resource.

If resource is stored locally, return StaticPath. If resource stored remotely, download it to /tmp and return RemovablePath. Remote resources with size exceeding max_size are not downloaded and empty StaticPath returned.


with path_to_resource(resource) as path:
    with open(path) as src:










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