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Docker Tutorial

Install information etc:

We are following this tutorial:

Underlying Technologies

Namespaces, control groups, and Union File System.

Build Image

Build this docker image with the app, giving hellow as its tag running this:

docker build -t hellow .

See result:

docker image ls

Run container with the image

Run is actually "create + run". Creates new container based on image, then runs the new container. This -p flag maps your machine’s port 4000 to the container’s published port 80 :

docker run -p 4000:80 hellow

You visit this link to send request to the app:

curl http://localhost:4000

Running the app in the background, in detached mode:

docker run -d -p 4000:80 hellow

Manage Containers

List the running containers:

docker container ls

End the process, using the CONTAINER ID from above ls, like so:

docker container stop <CONTAINER ID>

Upload to a Repo

ex: login to dockerhub

docker login

Then, rename repository with <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_NAME>/image-name:tag (tag used as version) and upload:

# ex: docker tag old_image_name username/new_image_name:tag
# ex my dockerhub name is drozturk
docker tag hellow drozturk/hello-ozgur:0.0.1
# check the new tag:
docker image ls
# Publish the image
docker push drozturk/hello-ozgur:0.0.1

Download and run

Now, you can run your app on any machine with docker run command:

#docker run -p 4000:80 username/repository:tag
docker run -p 4000:80 drozturk/hello-ozgur:0.0.1

Stop Restart

docker stop <ContainerId>
docker start <ContainerId>

Update Image with the Changes

Create a new image from container with new apps installed etc. Don't use this much (maybe for experimenting), rather edit Dockerfile!

docker commit <ContainerId>  <repoName>/<imageName>:<version>


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