Provides auxiliary tools for the Monte Carlo particle transport code FLUKA ( Auflukatools features alternative binary -> ascii being more compatible with plotting programs, scripts for averaging multiple binary output files without user interaction, "" for automatic parallelization of FLUKA runs on computer clusters using the CONDOR job queing system. Also "" can be used for parallelization on TORQUE systems, as descripbed on
When running usrbinav, usrtrackav or usrbdxav, you must mention the unit numbers you wish to average over, i.e.
usrbinav 60 61 62
will average all results from 60, 61 and 62. In addition they must be in binary format. is a script which formats binary usrbin output to a more plotting friendly ASCII file, than the original scripts supplied with FLUKA. Simply specify the usrbin output file from FLUKA in the argument.
Comments can be mailed to Niels Bassler