Provide queue of users for swiping
View the project roadmap here
See for contribution guidelines.
Request will happen with one of two unique keys
user_id: STRING,
location: STRING
Current swiping user. Request made when queue on client side depleted.location
Current swiping user's zone string.
Get new swipe queue for user with ID #7443 and location "Zone A"
user_id: 7743,
location: 'A'
user_id: INT,
name: STRING,
photoCount: NUMBER,
location: STRING,
The return user objects have been built to include information irrelevant to the MVP, for future expansion opportunity
The user's namephotoCount
The user's photoCount. The only factor distinguishing one user from the next in queue in this simulationlocation
Which zone the user is located in
- Node 6.9.x
- Postgresql 9.6.x
- express 4.16.2
- faker 4.1.0
- mocha 4.0.1
- chai 4.1.2
- pg 7.3.0
- pg-hstore 2.3.2
- sequelize 5.15.0
Run npm install
- Simulate user logins
- Simulate user swipes
- Simulate user logouts
- Time for queues to form
- Space for queues saved
- Time for hashes gathered
- Errors logged out into log directory
Redis Lists
Redis Hash
Redis Set