DATA CELLAR aims to create an energy dataspace that will support the creation, development and management of local energy communities in the EU. The data space population will be facilitated via an innovative rewarded private metering approach, with a focus on an easy onboarding and interaction, guaranteeing a smooth integration with other EU energy data spaces, providing to LEC stakeholders services and tools for developing their activities:
- Development, validation and demonstration of a Dynamic data hub ensuring continuously updated, reliable and credible data.
- Implement privacy and cybersecurity-by-design measures according to GDPR & national data handling regulations and security standards.
- Provide Access to AI models and data-driven energy services by making use of the stored and exchanged data, supporting the energy transition.
- Create and sustain a highly engaged data sharing ecosystem of EC data providers through a DLT-based open Marketplace.
- Evaluate DATA CELLAR novel business models upon real Energy Community use cases and collaboration with other relevant EU on-going initiatives participating in BRIDGE to facilitate interoperability testing and demonstration.
Connectors are a key part of data spaces, and Data Cellar is no exception. The connector used by Data Cellar is based on the Eclipse Dataspace Components Connector and is hosted in a separate repository outside this organisation: