Apps | Results |
pre-commit | |
coverage |
The project presents interactiv dashboard for managing the enterprise, employees, budget and statistics.
Program | Version | Links |
Python | 3.11.1 | link |
Docker | 20.10.22 | link |
Poetry | 1.3.2 | link |
Node.js | 9.5.21 | link |
PostgreSQL | 15.1 | link |
DBeaver | 22.3.4 | link |
git clone job-schedule
docker-compose up --build
#run only django
docker-compose up <container-name> --build
# names you can use in project:
# postgres, django, redis, frontend, celery_worker, celery_beat, flower
To your connection in Dbeaver or other you use:
Host: localhost
Port: 5433
Database: job-schedule
Username: job-schedule
Password: django-app
To navigate if database is builded
#to start
docker-compose start postgres
#to stop
docker-compose stop postgres
# you can use version-number or latest
cd backend
poetry install <package-name>@latest
# or
poetry install <package-name>@latest --dev
poetry export --with production --with dev -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt
# you can use version-number or latest
cd frontend
npm i <package-name>@latest
# or
npm i <package-name>@latest --save-dev
npm i # to install all frontend dependencies
If you install some new dependencies, again build app.
docker-compose up frontend --build # to build only frontend package
docker-compose up --build # to build full api
# connect container django
cd backend
# create new app
python startapp <app-name>
# move app to folder apps in project
mv <app-name> apps
The next you need do some steps with app
# change in your app folder
in apps/<app-name>/ change name to: "apps.<app-name>"
# add your app to project LOCAL_APPS
in config/settings.base LOCAL_APPS add "apps.<app-name>"
# create in app dir and create empty urlpatterns
in apps/<app-name> create with urlpatterns = []
# in config urls add paths to your app
in config/ add path("api/<app-name>/", include("apps.<app-name>.urls")),
# remove migration
rm -rf backend/apps/<app>/migrations/
# use if django don't stand up
docker-compose run --rm django sh -c "python makemigrations <app-name>"
# use when django is running
docker-compose exec -it django sh -c "python makemigrations <app-name>"
# if you got "No changes detected in app '<app-name>'"
# and you dont have makemigrations folder in your app
docker-compose run --rm django sh -c "python makemigrations --empty <app-name>"
# if you need you can remove postgres database
docker volume rm job_schedule_postgres_data
# remeber you can connect commands like remove migrations and add changes in one step
rm -rf backend/apps/<app>/migrations/ && docker-compose run --rm django python makemigrations <app-name>
# checks:pytest, coverage, mypy tests
# -flake8, isort styles
docker-compose exec -it django bash -c "docker/debug/"
Run one test or linter only
# pytest
docker-compose exec -it django pytest -s -v --no-migrations
# coverage
docker-compose exec -it django pytest --cov=apps --cov=config --cov-config=.coveragerc && coverage html
# mypy
docker-compose exec -it django mypy . --config-file mypy.ini
# flake8
docker-compose exec -it django flake8 . --config=setup.cfg
# isort
docker-compose exec -it django isort . --settings-path=.isort.cfg
You can still do this commands inside virtual enviroments like:
docker-compose exec -it django bash
then you are logged in container as root:
root@some_number:/some_path# flake8 . --config=setup.cfg
and do this same commands
For functional tests you do:
cd frontend
npm run cypress:open
and then chose e2e tests or
cd frontend
npm run cypress:run
For integration tests, you can use two ways:
cd frontend
npm test
or with coverage
cd frontend
npm coverage
cd frontend
npm i
npm run dev #port 3000
npm run local #port 5173