Zeus is an Administration Tool for Onset created for all Players free to use. Zeus is module-based, which means that it can be expanded easily and without much effort. All you have to do is write modules for Zeus in LUA and enter them into the system. See below under "Module API". Zeus also provides a complete ban and permission system, which even has a simple command interface for commands with permissions.
Just download the ZIP-Archive from here and put the folder from it into the packages folder of your server. Than add "zeus" to the packages in server_config.json and start the server.
To open the Zeus Menu just use the default Key F5 or use the /zeus command.
Zeus is fully adjustable and uses only one file for all configurations. The config can be found in packages/zeus/server/io/config.lua and looks like this by default:
local content = { _VERSION = "1.0:0" }
content["msg-error"] = "[Zeus] An error occurred while trying to perfom this action!"
content["msg-no-permission"] = "[Zeus] You have no permissions to do that!"
content["msg-argument-missing"] = "[Zeus] Failed to executed because Argument {1} is missing!"
content["msg-argument-invalid"] = "[Zeus] Failed to executed because Argument {1} is invalid!"
content["msg-mod-success"] = "[Zeus] Module {1} was successfully executed!"
content["msg-mod-disabled"] = "[Zeus] Module {1} was successfully disabled!"
content["msg-mod-failed"] = "[Zeus] Module {1} failed because {2}!"
content["msg-banned"] = "You are banned: {1}"
content["msg-veh-model-not-exist"] = "[Zeus] The Vehicle Model {1} does not exist!"
content["custom-chat"] = false -- coming soon: mysql
content["store-type"] = "LOCAL" -- or MYSQL
content["dev-mode"] = true
content["db-host"] = "localhost"
content["db-user"] = "zeus-db"
content["db-password"] = "this-is-a-safe-pw"
content["db-name"] = "zeus-db"
content["db-charset"] = "utf8mb4"
function GetDatabaseConnection()
return content["db-host"], content["db-user"], content["db-password"], content["db-name"]
function IsLocalStorage()
return content["store-type"] == "LOCAL"
function FormatMsg(key, ...)
local msg = content[key]
for key, value in pairs({ ... }) do
msg = string.gsub(msg, "{" .. key .. "}", value)
return msg
return content
Please do not change any of the functions, returns or variables itself. Please change only the values according to your wishes.
Config Key | Default Value | Possible Values | Description |
msg- | see above | every text | This are the i18n messages printed by Zeus. You can change them like you want to. Some messages have placeholders (e.g. {1}) this placeholders will be replaced by Zeus with values dynamically. You can use them, too but you don't need to. |
custom-chat | false | false / true | not implemented yet |
store-type | LOCAL | LOCAL / MYSQL | The way Zeus stores its data |
dev-mode | true | false / true | When enabled, every player on the server has all permissions. Zeus will warn you on server start, if the dev mode is enabled |
db-host | localhost | any ip | The hostname of th MySQL database |
db-user | zeus-db | text | The username of the MySQL database |
db-password | this-is-a-safe-pw | text | The password of the MySQL database |
db-name | zeus-db | text | The database name of the MySQL database |
db-charset | utf8mb4 | MariaDB Charsets | The charset of the MySQL database |
Modules are the main components of Zeus. Without them, Zeus is only a frame. In Zeus are some default modules which offers only the basics. But with a little bit of work and the knowledge to code in LUA you can create own ones easily.
If you created a module and want to share it, so that it will be in the default Zeus package, just create an Issue and promote it. Read below for more information.
To submit a module you need to create an Issue here. We need the code of the module, and a description of it. By submitting a module you agree, that the module is written by you or you have the permission to share it from the developer. We do not liable for any kind of problems.
Please understand, however, that we can only accept modules that use English as their language.
Under zeus/server/modules you find the __TEMPLATE_MOD__lua which is a template for creating a module. If you can't find the file, here is how it should look like:
local config = require('packages/' .. GetPackageName() .. '/server/io/config')
local mod = {
name = "NAME_OF_MODULE",
description = "DESCRIPTION_OF_MODULE",
ui_component = "UI_COMPONENT_OF_MODULE"
function mod:GetName()
return mod.name
function mod:GetTarget(player, args)
return player -- Return the target of this module
function mod:GetUIComponent()
-- The UI component is the structure of the UI. The UI manager from Zeus will transform this string to a form
-- The form can than be used by the players to input the arguments. There are some default UI controls listed below.
-- [P] Player Select. Selects a player from a list with all online players
-- [T] Text Input. Takes text input from the player
-- [N] Number(float) Input. Takes number input from the player
-- Add a ? after the Component if it is optional
-- Example. PT? - Player must be entered, Text can be entered, but did not need to
return mod.ui_component
function mod:GetDescription()
return mod.description
function mod:IsToggleable()
return false -- Whether the module is toggleable or not
function mod:Activate(executor, target, args)
AddPlayerChat(executor, FormatMsg("msg-mod-success", mod.name))
return true -- Return false, if any error occurred, or return nil if any error occurred, but the messaging was managed in the function itself
function mod:Deactivate(executor, target, args)
if IsValidPlayer(executor) then
AddPlayerChat(executor, FormatMsg("msg-mod-disabled", mod.name))
return mod
We suggest that you read through the existing modules to learn a bit more about the Zeus system. The template is also filled with comments to help you understand the basic structure.
After you wrote the module file itself you need to register the module in two ways:
package.json: You need to register the file in the package.json of Zeus, so the server knows that your written file is a server file.
Zeus Module Manager: You also need to register your module in the module manager fo zeus. To do that you need to go to zeus/server/index.lua and enter your module below where the other modules are registered (via RegisterModule()
). The first parameter is the module group (see below for all groups) and the second parameter is the module name.
There are a few things to consider. First, the name entered as the second parameter in the RegisterModule method must be the same as the name of the file without the .lua extension. Furthermore, the file must be located in the folder under zeus/server/modules/XXX, in which group the module should be divided.
Allowed Groups
- admin
- fun
- others
- permission
- spawning
- utils
If you need help or just have questions, you can open an issue at any time.
As described above, Zeus offers a complete permission system on its own. Below you can see how it works and how it can be adjusted.
Zeus offers modules such as Create Group, Delete Group, Add Permission and Remove Permission. With these modules you can create groups and setting them up. With the module Set Group you can set the group of a player. By default players have the def_group which is the default group. You can change the permission of the groups with the Add and Remove Permission module.
When asked for the rights of a player, the system goes through 3 layers. Starting with the admin layer, which defines the admins on the server. These can be defined by entering them in the admins table in the config. If the player is not an admin, the second layer, the player-permissions-layer, is considered. In this layer you can define the rights for a specific player. This is done via the modules Add Player Permission and Remove Player Permission. After this layer comes the last one, the group layer. Here the permissions of the group are considered.
Basically, permissions are structured according to the name-point-name principle, for example zeus.mod.add_permission This permission describes the use of the module Add Permission. You should adhere strictly to this principle, since there is a special rule:
The parts of the permission are taken and divided. After each group part there is a star permission (an all permission). For example, if you have the zeus.* permission, you have all permissions over Zeus, if you only have the zeus.mod.* permission, you only have all permissions over all modules. There is also the basic all-permission *. With this permission you have all permissions over everything.
Zeus provides an API interface with which permission-based commands can be created. This is very simple:
zeus.AddPermCommand("helloworld", "github.test.helloworld", function(player)
print("Hello World")
Only those who have the permission github.test.helloworld can execute this command.
To implement the API interface, see below under Zeus API.
The ban system from Zeus is quite simple and consists of 3 modules. A perm ban module, a temp ban module and an unban module.
Ban: Banish the player to infinity.
Temp Ban: Banish the player for a certain amount of time. The time can be set via a time text. You can set the years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Such a time text looks like the following: 1y1M1w1d1d1h1m1s. This time text would ban the player for one year, one month, one week, one day, one hour, one minute and one second. Please note that the respective time must be written all together, but there is no obligation to enter e.g. the year.
Unban: Unban the player. The module requires the Steam64 ID of the player to be entered.
To use the API, you must first import the package into your package. To do this, simply use the ImportPackage method as follows:
zeus = ImportPackage("zeus")
Now you can use all methods of the API interface via zeus.X(). Since we don't want to explain the complete API, which is explained by the names of the methods themselves, we refer to the API file here: zeus/server/api.lua
OPEN AN ISSUE but please pay attention to our issue template:
This issue template is only important for bug reports.
Affected Module:
Please describe here, which module is affected. If no module is affected but Zeus itself, describe which part of Zeus is affected.
Please describe here, what happens. How does the bug occur and what did the bug. Are there any errors in the console? Please show ous the log! And one really important thing: How can be reproduce the bug. If we can't reproduce it, we can't help you.
Please describe here, what the setup was you used. What server software are you running, which game version etc.
As long as you stick to the template, we can give you quick help and improve Zeus together. Thanks for your support.
Zeus is created by DasDarki, and Contributers and is licensed unter the MIT License.