I am Data Scientist and Machine learning Engineer. My main focus is computer vision and I am expanding my knowledge to NLP. I am passionate about AI and its power to chnage peoples lives and world around us.
You reach me by email: dammak.bader@gmail.com or by linkedIn
My Projects:
- Football player tracking: Detect and track football players and referee on the field.
- AI resources: A collection of free AI resources from Math to building you career (Active project).
- Pytorch implmementations from scratch: Popular models implemented and trained from sratch with Pytorch (Active project).
- Machine Learning In Action book summary: A brief summary of the book (Active project).
My contributions:
- scikit-multiflow: a machine learning package for streaming data in Python:
- Implemented classification and regression models from research papers.
- Implemented unitest and documentation.
- Contibuted to the design of the package.