MADE for custom Builds of Emacs/Xanmod Linux Kernel And Others Interesting Packages
Please consider not installing Linux-Xanmod kernel YET. It’s not suitable for all machines, and not all kernel modules are compiled. Only some that which i choose to compile, i’ll see update this page, with all compiled modules and provide native builds.
Emacs has been built with the following features.
- [X] Used mold linker to compile with AOT and JIT.
- [X] Lucid instead of PGTK (Toolkit)
- [X] cairo
- [X] alsa
- [X] sitter ( tree-sitter )
- [X] GPM and Xinput2
If you don’t want to install Emacs package rather builds yourself. You can find this in the AUR or in the PKGBUILD directory.
# if you have darkos repository install do ignore the following
# command
echo "$repo/$arch" >> /etc/pacman.d/darkos-mirrorlist
echo "[Punk-Repo]" >> /etc/pacman.conf
echo "Include = /etc/pacman.d/darkos-mirrorlist" >> /etc/pacman.conf
pacman-key -r 84263A08F86B7E99
pacman-key --lsign-key 84263A08F86B7E99