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Getting started

DarkBlade12 edited this page Sep 7, 2013 · 5 revisions

This page introduces you in the usage of PaintWar. Every step is extensively explained so everyone can understand them.

❯ Step 1 - Installing the plugin

Click here to get to the page where the installation of PaintWar is explained. If you already know how to install plugins correctly go straight to Step 2.

❯ Step 2 - Check the config

Now you should take a look at the file named config.yml in your PaintWar folder. There are all main settings listed and explained, also the language setting. PaintWar comes with two language files: English and German but you can also make your own language file, click here for a tutorial!

❯ Step 3 - Setup an arena

You'll have to setup an arena first before you can do anything else ingame, because it's the main part of the plugin and starting with anything else would be nonsense. So here's what you have to do:

  • (Start Minecraft and join your server if you haven't already done that :))
  • Type /pw create <name> to create a new arena with your desired name.
  • (Type /pw select <arena> to select your previously created arena. However this is optional, but if you do this you can leave out the [arena] argument in the following commands!)
  • Type /pw wand to get the region selection wand (make sure you have a free slot in your inventory first).
  • Select your floor region with the wand, that's the region which players can paint later with their wool. (You can select 2 positions, the first position with a left click and the second position with a right click, both will be the edges of a cuboid region)
  • Type /pw set floor [arena] to set the selected region as floor region for your arena.
  • Select your protection region with the wand, that's the region which protects the arena from damage.
  • Type /pw set protection [arena] to set the selected region as protection region for your arena.
  • Search some positions in your arena that are suitable for spawns and type /pw spawn add <name> [arena] to add it to your arena. (Note: players will look where you look when you create the spawn)
  • Type /pw edit [arena] to complete the setup. Now your arena is ready for use and is listed when you type /pw arenas.

❯ Step 4 - Configure the arena

After you've created your first arena a directory named arenas has been created in your PaintWar directory. Go inside this directory and there will be a configuration file named .yml, this is the configuration file of the arena you've setup. You can now open it and you'll see many settings for customisation of the arena. If you don't know for what these are for click here for a full explanation.

❯ Step 5 - Get ready to play

  • Type /pw join <arena> to join your arena.
  • Wait until there are a minimum of 2 players in the arena
  • You and the other players will have to type ready now in order to start the countdown if you haven't configured an autostart player amount.
  • Wait until the countdown is over and try to fill as much of the floor area as possible. Collect powerups which help you to manage this task.
  • Have lots of fun while playing and thanks for reading this tutorial! ;)